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Kyle Wagner


I acquire books in religious studies, philosophy, and rhetoric & communication, and I look for imaginative and probing work from both established and first-time authors. I consider good writing an indispensable part of a compelling argument, and so I seek projects that combine engaging prose with original ideas.

The University of Chicago has a distinguished history in the academic study of religion, and the Press’s list in religious studies reflects this tradition. I seek books that will shape the future of this field, with a focus on theory and method, history of religions, and religion and culture. The innovative and critical spirit of the list is clear in several recent titles: Astrotopia by Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Thoreau’s God by Richard Higgins, Religion in Plain View by Sally Promey, How to Think Impossibly by Jeffrey Kripal, Street Scriptures by Alejandro Nava, and Righting the American Dream by Diane Winston. I also proudly sponsor the series Buddhism and Modernity, edited by Donald S. Lopez, the series Class 200: New Studies in Religion, edited by Kathryn Lofton and John Lardas Modern, and the series Iconologies, edited by Tracy Fessenden and Chad Seales.

Within Chicago’s wide-ranging philosophy list, I have a special interest in philosophy that has an impact on other disciplines, and philosophy for non-philosophers. Recent titles include The Culmination by Robert Pippin, Metaracial by Rei Terada, A Precarious Happiness by Peter Gordon, How to Think Like a Philosopher by Julian Baggini, Aesthetics in Grief and Mourning by Kathleen Higgins, and Wisecracks by David Shoemaker. I also proudly sponsor The Seminars of Jacques Derrida series, edited by Geoffrey Bennington and Peggy Kamuf, and The Chicago Foucault Project, edited by Arnold Davidson, Henri-Paul Fruchaud, and Daniele Lorenzini.

As the editor of Chicago’s list in rhetoric and communication, I seek wide-ranging and ambitious books on media, technology, culture, and the history of rhetoric. Recent examples include A Sense of Urgency by Debra Hawhee and The Evolution of Pragmatism in India by Scott Stroud. 

I began working in the acquisitions department of the Press in 2013. I hold degrees from Boston University and the University of Chicago.

Prospective authors are encouraged to consult our submission guidelines. We also provide an overview about publishing with Chicago here.

Kyle Wagner


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