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The Business of Being a Writer, Second Edition

Second Edition

A thoroughly revised edition of the comprehensive guide to building and maintaining a successful career in writing.
Writers talk about their work in many ways: as an art, as a calling, as a lifestyle. Too often missing from these conversations is the fact that writing is also a business, and those who want to make a living from their writing must understand the basic business principles underlying the industry. The Business of Being a Writer offers the business education writers need but so rarely receive.

Jane Friedman is one of today’s leading experts on the publishing industry. Through her website, social media presence, online courses, email newsletters, and other media, she helps writers understand how to navigate the industry with confidence and intentionality. This book advises writers on how to build a platform in a way that aligns with their values, how to spot critical mindset issues that might sabotage their efforts before they even begin, how to publish strategically, and what it means to diversify income streams beyond book sales. For this second edition, Friedman has updated every topic to reflect how the industry has evolved over the past half decade. New features include a section on business and legal issues commonly faced by writers, exercises at the end of each chapter, and a wealth of sample materials posted on a companion website. 

Reaching beyond the mechanical aspects of publishing, The Business of Being a Writer will help both new and experienced writers approach their careers with the same creative spirit as their writing. Friedman is encouraging without sugarcoating reality, blending years of research with practical advice that will help writers market themselves and maximize their writing-related income. Her book will leave them empowered, confident, and ready to turn their craft into a sustainable career.


“I’ve been a full-time author and freelancer for the last seven years, and so much of what I had to learn the hard way is easily and expertly accessible in The Business of Being a Writer. As a reader, I’ve always finished a Jane Friedman book knowing more than I did before, but this one inspired me to make real, hopefully long-lasting, shifts in the way I care for my creative business.”

Ashley C. Ford, writer

“Essential reading for writers entering and already in the world of publishing. The Business of Being a Writer is a level-headed look at an industry full of contradictions. I can think of no other guide more important to keep at your writing desk right now.”

Carly Watters, literary agent and cohost of "The Shit No One Tells You about Writing" podcast

“This book is an essential crash course for anyone who hopes to make a life in letters. Friedman is a kind of patient tour guide who offers a clear-eyed, nonjudgmental, and, most of all, hopeful look at the many, many paths open to writers—and, indeed, to editors and publishers as well.”

Hattie Fletcher, coeditor, "Short Reads" literary magazine

“Friedman has made an already indispensable guide to the professional side of writing even more useful. This second edition offers writers the tools of publishing craft to help them send their art out into the world.”

Leslie Rubinkowski, director, MFA in Nonfiction program, Goucher College

Table of Contents


Part One: Mindset Matters
1. Can You Make a Living as a Writer?
2. It’s Not about Talent
3. Dealing with Rejection

Part Two: Platform Development
4. It All Starts with Your Work
5. Relationship Building and Literary Citizenship
6. Networking with the Powerful or Influential
7. Your Online Foundation: Website, Email, and Social Media
8. Producing Audio and Video Content
9. Developing a Sustainable Path Forward

Part Three: Book Publishing
10. Which Publishing Path Is Best for Your Project?
11. How Traditional Book Publishing Operates
12. The Challenges of Literary Publishing
13. Determining Your Category or Genre
14. Understanding and Working with Literary Agents
15. Researching Agents and Publishers
16. Writing Strong Queries
17. Nonfiction Book Proposals: Making a Business Case
18. Working Effectively with Your Publisher
19. Marketing and Promoting Your Books
20. Self-Publishing: Valid Path, Different Business Model
21. Marketing and Promoting Self-Published Books
22. Hybrid Publishing and Other Paid-for Publishing Options

Part Four: Publishing Short Work
23. The Business of Magazines and Digital Media
24. Freelance Writing and Learning to Pitch
25. Publishing in Literary Journals

Part Five: How to Make a Living as a Writer
26. Building a Business Model
27. Finding Your Readership and Building a Funnel
28. Patronage: Crowdfunding and Donations
29. Newsletters, Blogging, and Subscriptions
30. Serials and Serializations
31. Advertising, Sponsorships, and Affiliate Marketing
32. Freelance Editing
33. Teaching and Online Education
34. Contests, Prizes, Fellowships, Residencies, and Grants

Part Six: Business Basics for Writers
35. Tax Basics for Writers
36. Business Formation for Writers
37. Contract Language Every Writer Should Know
38. Common Legal Issues Writers Face


Appendix: Resources

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