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Culture and Contestation in the New Century
A series of essays by internationally known artists, scholars, and critics in the growing field of cultural theory, Culture and Contestation in the New Century examines the conditions of cultural production in the first decade of the twenty-first century. With an emphasis on how current neoliberal policies have affected institutions of cultural production and dissemination, it emphasizes the ensuing changes to critical theory. The contributors here are among the most respected scholars in art, art criticism, and cultural studies, and this powerful analysis poses important questions about cultural democracy and social change.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Doing the Unexpected, Creating the Present
Marc James Léger
Part I: Critical Cultural Practice
Chapter 1: Hans Haacke and the Art of Not Being Governed Quite So Much
Rosalyn Deutsche
Chapter 2: Counting on Your Collective Silence: Notes on Activist Art as Collaborative Practice
Gregory Sholette
Chapter 3: Neo-Liberalism with Dutch Characteristics: The Big Fix-Up of the Netherlands and the Practice of Embedded Cultural Activism
Part II: Creative Labour and Creative Industries
Chapter 4: ‘Everyone is Creative’: Artists as Pioneers of the New Economy?
Angela McRobbie
Chapter 5: Creative Industries as Mass Deception
Gerald Raunig
Chapter 6: Creative Industries: Neo-Liberalism as Mass Deception
Aras Ozgun
Part III: Neoliberal Governmentality and Cultural Resistance
Chapter 7: Not So Quiet on the Western Front: A Report on Risk and Cultural Resistance within the Neo-Liberal Society of Fear
Critical Art Ensemble
Chapter 8: From Reaching Heiligendamm: An Interview with Oliver Ressler
Marc James Léger
Chapter 9: 1 ½ Métro Côte-des-Neiges: Do They Owe Us a Living?
Mathieu Beauséjour
Part IV: Subjectivity in the Age of Post-Politics
Chapter 10: Anonymous Monuments to Ordinary Man and Woman: The Strange Case of Berlin’s Ampelmännchen
David Tomas
Chapter 11: Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer III and the Status of the Other
Bruce Barber
Chapter 12: On the Permanent Actuality for Revolutionary Cultural Politics of President Mao Ze Dong’s Slogan ‘Long Live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution’
Slavoj Žižek
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