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Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Short Fiction

A unique collection of Afro-Brazilian literature from both rising and well-known authors.

Besides Africa, Brazil is the largest Afro-descendant country, however, literature produced by Black Brazilians is predominantly unknown in Brazil and abroad. Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Short Fiction emerges from a collaborative translation project, bringing Afro-Brazilian literature to a global audience demanding Afro-diasporic literature, as well as decolonial practices and content. This unique bilingual compilation of twenty-one short stories includes both established and emerging Afro-Brazilian voices, fostering cross-cultural understanding and affirming the legitimacy of Black Portuguese, pretoguês, as a literary language. The editors each provide introductions that contextualize the works, while also engaging in theoretical debates, shedding light on the role of literary translation in language teaching and the impact of the Literary Festival of the Peripheries in forming a new generation of Black Brazilian writers.

268 pages | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2024

Literature and Translation

Literature and Literary Criticism: General Criticism and Critical Theory

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Table of Contents


Introductory texts

1 Making contemporary Afro-Brazilian short Fiction more accessible to English speakers
Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva
2 Atlantic inferiority
Julio Ludemir, translated by Laura Garmeson
3 Translating Afro-Brazilian short stories into English: challenges and perspectives
Maria Aparecida Andrade Salgueiro

Short stories in English
1 ‘Millionary Procession’
Sylvia Arcuri, translated by Victor Meadowcroft
2 When the Gangster Falters
Márcio Barbosa, translated by Emyr Humphreys
3 Myth
Juliana Berlim, translated by Ricardo Silveira
4 No One Regulates the Americas
Evandro Luiz da Conceição, translated by Natalie Russo and Faed Breno
5 Eighty-eight
Eliana Alves Cruz, translated by Felipe Fanuel Xavier Rodrigues
6 The Doll
Cuti, translated by Andrew McDougall
7 The Yellow Man
Augusto Dias, translated by Victor Meadowcroft
8 Tchatinha
Paulo Dutra, translated by Felipe Fanuel Xavier Rodrigues
9 The Dancer’s Feet
Conceição Evaristo, translated by Elton Uliana
10 Metamorphosis
Geni Guimarães, translated by Andrew McDougall
11 Brazilian Citizen
Denise Homem, translated by Victor Meadowcroft
12 Love
Márcio Januário, translated by Almiro Andrade
13 How Far the Sea Goes
Ana Paula Lisboa, translated by Christina Baum
14 Click
Elisa Lucinda, translated by Emyr Humphreys
15 Landless in the Sea
Geovani Martins, translated by Victor Meadowcroft
16 Gag
Natara Ney, translated by Isabel Moura Mendes
17 Venuses Who Love Each Other
Patrícia Alves Santos Oliveira, translated by Andrew McDougall
18 Mirror Women
Esmeralda Ribeiro, translated by Andrew McDougall
19 Verbs under the Skin
Henrique Rodrigues, translated by Andrew McDougall
20 The Coldness of the Scythe Explains a Mother’s Cry Verônica de Souza Santos, translated by Andrew McDougall
21 Cândido Abdellah Jr
Cristiane Sobral, translated by Susana Fuentes

Short stories in Portuguese
1 Cortejo milenar Sylvia Arcuri
2 Quando o malandro vacila Márcio Barbosa
3 Myto
Juliana Berlim
4 Ninguém regula a América Evandro Luiz da Conceição
5 Oitenta e oito Eliana Alves Cruz
6 Boneca Cuti
7 O homem amarelo Augusto Dias
8 Tchatinha Paulo Dutra
9 Os pés do dançarino
Conceição Evaristo
10 Metamorfose
Geni Guimarães
11 Cidadã brasileira, by Denise Homem 12 O amor
Márcio Januário
13 Até onde vai o mar
Ana Paula Lisboa
14 Click
Elisa Lucinda
15 Sem-terra no mar
Geovani Martins
16 Cabresto
Natara Ney
17 Vênus que se ama
Patrícia Alves Santos Oliveira
18 Mulheres dos espelho
Esmeralda Ribeiro
19 Verbos à flor da pele
Henrique Rodrigues
20 A frieza da foice explica o choro de uma mãe
Verônica de Souza Santos
21 Cândido Abdellah Jr *Cristiane Sobral


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