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Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel

Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel presents a framework of comparative literature based on a systemic and empirical approach to the study of the novel and applies that framework to the analysis of key nineteenth-century Brazilian novels. The works under examination were, therefore, published during the period in which the forms and procedures of the novel were acclimatized as the genre established and consolidated itself in Brazil.

The 15 original essays by experienced and early career scholars explore the links between themes, narrative paradigms, and techniques of Brazilian, European and North American novels and the development of the Brazilian novel. The European and North American novels cover a wide range of literary traditions and periods and are in conversation with the different novelistic trends that characterize the rise of the genre in Brazil. Chapters reflect on both canonical and lesser-known Brazilian works from a comparatist perspective.

338 pages | 1 halftone | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2020

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Comparative Literature and Culture

Literature and Literary Criticism: General Criticism and Critical Theory

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". . . the overall presentation of Vascondelos's work makes [this] catalogue exceptional."


Table of Contents

Introduction, Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva and Sandra Guardini Vasconcelos Chapter 1: Misterios el Plata: (Des)Figuring History to Forge a Space for a Woman’s Agency, Rita Terezinha Schmidt Chapter 2: The Historical Significance of Memórias de um sargento de milícias, Edu Teruki Otsuka Chapter 3: A providência, recordação dos tempos coloniais and the Novel in Brazil, Marcus Vinicius Nogueira Soares Chapter 4: Maria Firmina dos Reis and the First Afro-Brazilian Novel, Eduardo de Assis Duarte Chapter 5: “A Suspicious Sound Interrupted the Gentle Harmony”: Iracema, by José de Alencar, Thiago Rhys Bezerra Cass Chapter 6: Displaced Experience and Magic Compromise, Jorge de Almeida Chapter 7: Brazilian Landscape: A Study of Inocência, Eduardo Vieira Martins Chapter 8: Silences and Voices of Slavery:  A escrava Isaura  and  Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Heloisa Toller Gomes Chapter 9: The Construction of Pseudo-Modern Individuals in Senhora  by José de Alencar, Maria Eulália Ramicelli   Chapter 10: Maria Benedita Câmara Bormann’s Lésbia: The Creation of the Woman Writer in Brazil, Margaret Anne Clarke Chapter 11:  O Ateneu:   A Singular Masterpiece about the Nineteenth-Century Civilizational Crisis, AndréLuiz Barros da SilvaChapter 12: O aborto  and the Rise of Erotic Popular Print in Late Nineteenth-Century Brazil,  Leonardo Mendes Chapter 13: Machado de Assis and the Novel, Sandra Guardini Vasconcelos Chapter 14: Capitu against the Elegiac Narrator, Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva Chapter 15: On Moral and Financial Bankruptcy: Adultery and Financial Speculation in A falência by Júlia Lopes de Almeida, Cintia Kozonoi Vezzani   Index

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