Inclusion, Diversity and Innovation in Translation Education
Distributed for UCL Press
Inclusion, Diversity and Innovation in Translation Education
In Inclusion, Diversity and Innovation in Translation Education, editors Alejandro Bolaños, García-Escribano, and Mazal Oaknín, emphasize the latest developments in literary and audiovisual translation education and teaching foreign languages while exploring the relevance of equality, diversity, and inclusion. They propose best practices and pieces of training, inviting readers to incorporate social issues affecting marginalized groups in their language and translation teaching practices.
262 pages | 9 color plates, 4 tables | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2024
Education: Comparative Education
Language and Linguistics: Language Studies

Table of Contents
List of figures
List of tables
List of contributors
Foreword by Olga Castro
1 Introduction
Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano and Mazal Oaknín
Part I: New Technologies
2 Translating the Unknown: A Case Study on the Usefulness of Machine Translation in Comparative Literature Research
Sergio Portelli
3 Learning Foreign Languages through Telecollaboration: Embedding Didactic Audiovisual Translation in the Language Classroom
Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano and Beatriz Cerezo Merchán
4 Teaching Languages for Social and Cooperation Purposes: Using Didactic Media Accessibility in Foreign Language Education
María del Mar Ogea Pozo and Noa Talaván
Part II: Transmedia
5 Synergising Literature and Film in the French Literary Translation Classroom: A Focus on Gender Equality
Soledad Díaz-Alarcón
6 Transmediation: Pedagogical Applications to Film Adaptation in Modern Foreign Language Education
Carmen Herrero and Isabelle Vanderschelden
Part III: Cross-disciplinary Intersections
7 Translation as Queer Practice: (De)Gendering Feminist language in the Poetry of Xi Xi and Zhai Yongming
Xiaofan Amy Li
8 Translating Intersectional Feminism: A ‘Modern’ Language Classroom
Mazal Oaknín
9 Queer Challenges and Affordances of Literary Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom
John Gray
10 Final Reflections. Why I Am Still Talking to White People About Race
Haydn Kirnon
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