Logic, Language and Computation, Volume 3
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
Logic, Language and Computation, Volume 3
The book contains contributions to a general theory of information, while also tackling specific problems from artificial intelligence, formal semantics, cognitive psychology, and the philosophy of mind. There is focus on the dynamics of information flow, and also a consideration of static approaches to information content; both quantitative and qualitative approaches are represented.
354 pages | 6 x 9 | © 2001
Language and Linguistics: Formal Logic and Computational Linguistics
Philosophy: Logic and Philosophy of Language

Table of Contents
1. Epistemic Utility in Commonsense Reasoning
[I]Janet Aisbett and Greg Gibbon[I]
2. Conceptual Covers in Dynamic Semantics
[I]Maria Aloni[I]
3. Characterization Results for d-Horn Formulas
[I]Carlos Areces, Verónica Becher and Sebastián Ferro[I]
4. A Glimpse into Algorithmic Information Theory
[I]Cristian S. Calude[I]
5. Information States, Attitudes and Dependent Record Types
[I]Robin Cooper[I]
6. The Semantics of Dynamic Conjunction
[I]Paul Dekker[I]
7. Concept Combination: A Geometrical Model
[I]Peter Gärdenfors[I]
8. Identity in Epistemic Semantics
[I]Jelle Gerbrandy[I]
9. An Implicit Argument Analysis of Japanese Zeros
[I]Yasuhiro Katagiri[I]
10. A Situation Semantic Account of Topic vs. Nominative Marking
[I]Yookyung Kim[I]
11. Belief and the Epistemic Channel
[I]Hisashi Komatsu[I]
12. Functions, Representations, and Zombies
[I]Gregory R. Mulhauser[I]
13. Aspect Analysis in Arrow Logic
[I]Satoshi Tojo[I]
14. Logical Constructions Suggested by Vision
[I]Michiel van Lambalgen[I]
15. Information in Discourse: A Game for Many Agents
[I]Kees Vermeulen[I]
16. How to Recover From (Non)Monotonic Inconsistencies
[I]Cees Witteveen and Wiebe van der Hoek[I]
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