Distributed for Athabasca University Press
Table of Contents
Index of First Lines
A certain happiness exists despite 86
A Romanesque bridge joins one hill 65
All from the stars the shards fell, light condensed 8
And yet the morning light held you, the cuts 47
Another poet scoffed when I said 72
Breath, too, can plummet, magic rougher 14
Daughter, you are more delicate 18
Dusk falls over a land cut and crossed 66
Flint, outcrop, overhang: I made my way 54
For him, there is only one poet: his wife 93
Freezing to death is not an act of love 52
Girders and glass roofs extend at round 77
Her pale hair stumbled in the wood, and he rode 33
How to keep the deep fluster and rush 108
I am not certain: je ne suis pas sûr
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