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Distributed for Brandeis University Press

On James Baldwin

Colm Tóibín’s personal account of encountering James Baldwin’s work, published in Baldwin’s centenary year.
Acclaimed Irish novelist Colm Tóibín first read James Baldwin just after turning eighteen. He had completed his first year at an Irish university and was struggling to free himself from a religious upbringing. He had even considered entering a seminary and was searching for literature that would offer illumination and insight. Inspired by the novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, Tóibín found a writer who would be a lifelong companion and exemplar.  

From On James Baldwin

Baldwin was interested in the hidden and dramatic areas in his own being, and was prepared as a writer to explore difficult truths about his own private life. In his fiction, he had to battle for the right of his protagonists to choose or influence their destinies. He knew about guilt and rage and bitter privacies in a way that few of his White novelist contemporaries did. And this was not simply because he was Black and homosexual; the difference arose from the very nature of his talent, from the texture of his sensibility. “All art,” he wrote, “is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story, to vomit the anguish up.”

On James Baldwin is a magnificent contemporary author’s tribute to one of his most consequential literary progenitors.

168 pages | 5.25 x 8 | © 2024

Biography and Letters

Literature and Literary Criticism: American and Canadian Literature

Sociology: Social History

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“A thoughtful, partly autobiographical reflection on Baldwin’s fiction . . . emphasiz(ing) Baldwin’s place on the world’s literary stage.” 

Wall Street Journal

“A concise and pungent work of literary criticism. Tóibín may be Baldwin’s ideal interlocutor for a new generation of readers puzzled by the earlier writer’s mental gymnastics with race, history, and sexuality.” 

Times Literary Supplement

“These astute essays are doubly rewarding, shedding light on Baldwin’s profound visions of freedom while offering insight into how Tóibín reads and thinks about fiction. The result is a testament to the talents of both writers.”

Publishers Weekly

“The writing is lucid, concise, unpretentious, emotionally engaging and, in some instances, deeply personal. (A) brilliant book.” 

Sunday Independent

“The great achievement of On James Baldwin is the same as what Baldwin hoped for himself: to write about the human condition without confinement to race, religion, and sexual orientation.”

New York Sun

“Tóibín delivers an intimate reading of the American writer’s work in this astute, accessible book. The personal and political resonance of Baldwin’s work is explored sensitively by the author, who shares with his subject a ‘glittering mind’ with thought ‘embodied in style.’” 

Irish Times

“As if Tóibín’s insights about Baldwin were not enough to make this short collection a keeper, we also get Tóibín riffing on his own experiences as a young gay man. Tóibín (has) the breadth of vision to see Baldwin’s life and work from many angles.”

The Gay and Lesbian Review

Table of Contents

The Pitch of Passion
Crying Holy
Paris, Harlem
The Private Life
The Terror and the Surrender
Selected Bibliography

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