Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar
Distributed for University of British Columbia Press
Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar
Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar is a comprehensive introduction to the syntactical analysis of classical Chinese. Focusing on the language of the high classical period, which ranges from the time of Confucius to the unification of the empire by Qin in 221, the book pays particular attention to the Mencius, the Lúnyu, and, to a lesser extent, the Zuõzhuàn texts.
Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar starts with a brief historical overview and a discussion of the relation between the writing system and the phonology. This is followed by an outline of overall principles of word order and sentence structure. The next sections deal with the main sentence types – nominal predicates, verbal predicates, and numberical expressions, which constitute a special type of quasiverbal predication. The final sections cover such topics as subordinate constitutents of sentences, nondeclarative sentence types, and complex sentences.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Some Basic Principles of Classical Chinese Syntax
III. Noun Predication IV. Verbal Predicates
V. Compound Verbal Predicates
VI. Numerical Expressions
VII. Noun Phrases and Nominalization
VIII. Topicalization and Exposure
IX. Pronouns and Related Words
X. Adverbs
XI. Negation
XII. Aspect, Time, and Mood
XIII. Adnominal and Adverbial Words of Inclusion and Restriction
XIV. Imperative, Interrogative and Exclamatory Sentences
XV. Complex Sentences
Sources of Examples
Index of Chinese Vocabulary
General Index
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