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Distributed for DePaul Art Museum

Solo(s): Krista Franklin

A catalog of visual art and poetry by Chicago-based artist Krista Franklin.
Published on the occasion of a 2022 exhibition at DePaul Art Museum in Chicago, Solo(s): Krista Franklin brings together the visual, performance, and poetic practice of Chicago-based artist Krista Franklin in one volume. Part poetry collection and part artist book, Solo(s) features documentation of Franklin’s ongoing collage work, handmade paper, book and record covers, and installations as well as her poetry and other writing.
Featuring a new essay by curator Ionit Behar, Solo(s) explores Franklin’s practice as it intersects with collaborators across the disciplines of music, literature, and visual art.

64 pages | illustrated in color throughout | 7 1/2 x 10 1/2 | © 2022

Art: Art--General Studies

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