Tondi Songway Kiini
Reference Grammar and TSK-English-French Dictionary
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Tondi Songway Kiini
Reference Grammar and TSK-English-French Dictionary
Only recently discovered by linguistic scholars, Tondi Songway Kiini (TSK) is a tonal language spoken in the small country of Mali in western Africa. Unlike other Songhay languages, TSK preserves the lexical and grammatical tones of its proto-language and also exhibits unique systems for the expression of focalization and relativization. Tondi Songway Kiini is a valuable overview of the grammar of an African language with a tone system quite different from that of the more familiar Bantu system. It is also an irreplaceable guide to the grammar and meanings of this unusual African language.
450 pages | 6 x 9
Stanford Monographs in African Language
Language and Linguistics: General Language and Linguistics

Table of Contents
Works on Songhay Languages
1. Introduction
2. Sketch of the Grammar
3. Phonology
4. Nouns, Pronouns, Demonstratives, and Adjectives
5. Noun Phrases
6. Verbal Voice and Verb Derivations
7. VP Structure
8. Focalization, Relativization, Discourse Functions
9. Syntax
10. Anaphora
11. Texts
TSK - English - French Dictionary
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