Usage Based Models of Language
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
Usage Based Models of Language
Deviating from traditional methods, the contributions presented in this volume are among the first works to approach linguistic theory by developing and utilizing usage-based models. The contributing authors were among the principal leaders in their fields to leave behind rule-based linguistic representations in favor of constraint-based systems whose structural properties actually emerge from usage. The volume begins with an introductory chapter that defines contributors’ interpretations of usage-based models and theories of language. The reason for the shift from formal linguistic theories to the gradual acceptance of usage-based models is also examined. Using methods such as Cognitive Grammar, the Lexical Network Model, Competition Model, Relational Network Theory, and Accessibility Theory, the selected works demonstrate how usage-based models evince far greater cognitive and neurological plausibility than algorithmic, generative models.
384 pages | 6 x 9 | © 2000
Cognitive Science: Language
Language and Linguistics: Formal Logic and Computational Linguistics, Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics

Table of Contents
Introduction: A Usage-Based Conception of Language
Suzanne Kemmer and Michael Barlow
A Dynamic Usage-Based Model
Ronald W. Langacker
The Phonology of the Lexicon: Evidence From Lexical Diffusion
Joan L. Bybee
Bidirectional Processing in Language and Related Cognitive Systems
Sydney Lamb
Connectionism and Language Learning
Brian MacWhinney
The Effect of the Interlocutor on Episodic Recall: An Experimental Study
Connie Dickinson and T. Givón
The Development of Person Agreement Markers: From Pronoun to Higher Accessibility Markers
Mira Ariel
Interpreting Usage: Construing the History of Dutch Causal Verbs
Arie Verhagen
Investigating Language Use through Corpus-Based Analysis of Association Patterns
Douglas Biber
Usage, Blends and Grammar
Michael Barlow
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