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Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Unsettled Legitimacy

Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era

Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Unsettled Legitimacy

Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era

Under what conditions do individuals and communities accept globalized decision making as legitimate? And what political practices do individuals and collectivities under globalization use to exercise autonomy? To answer these questions, the contributors explore the disruptions and reconfigurations of political authority that accompany globalization. Arguing that we live in an era in which political legitimacy at multiple scales of authority is under strain, they show that globalization has also created demands for regulation, security, and the protection of rights and expressions of individual and collective autonomy.

408 pages | © 2009

Globalization and Autonomy

Political Science: Political and Social Theory

Table of Contents


1  Introduction: Autonomy, Legitimacy, and Power in an Era of Globalization / Steven Bernstein and William D. Coleman

Part 1: Normative Foundations of Legitimacy and Autonomy
2 Citizenship as Agency within Communities of Shared Fate / Melissa S. Williams
3 Autonomy, Democracy, and Legitimacy: The Problem of Normative Foundations / Ian Cooper
4 Cosmopolis or Empire? Metaphors of Globalization and the Description of Legitimate Political Communities / Nisha Shah

Part 2: LegitimacyAccommodating Difference and Autonomy
5 Governmental Rationalities and the Nation-State: James Bay Cree Indigenous Co-Governance, from Mercantilist Partnerships to Neoliberal Mechanisms / Harvey A. Feit
6 Protecting Our Resources: (Re)negotiating the Balance of Governance and Local Autonomy in Cooperative Natural Resource Management in Belize / Tara C. Goetze
7 Globalization, European Integration, and the Nationalities Question / Michael Keating, John McGarry, and Margaret Moore
8 Challenging Legitimacy or Legitimate Challenges? Minority Encounters with a State in Transition / Julie Sunday

Part 3: Legitimacy, Autonomy, and Violence
9 Sovereignty Redux? Autonomy and Protection in Military Interventions / Peter Nyers
10 From Ethnic Civil War to Global War: (De)legitimizing Narratives of Global Warfare and the Longing for Civility in Sri Lankan Fiction / Heike Härting

Part 4: Legitimacy and Autonomy on Global and Regional Scales
11 An Airborne Disease: Globalization through African Eyes / Rhoda E. How

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