Books Supported by the Susan Elizabeth Abrams Fund in History of Science
The Susan Elizabeth Abrams Fund in History of Science supports new work selected for publication by the University of Chicago Press that reflects the exemplary standards that Susan Abrams—science editor at the Press from 1979 to 2003—brought to bear on publication within the field: originality, exceptional scholarship, and well-crafted prose. Books that benefit from this fund embrace and elucidate the nature of science as a passion to discover and understand the natural world, as a disciplined mode of inquiry, as highly individual or intensely collaborative work, and as a significant part of the larger culture of its time. In sum, the Abrams Fund books are works that best convey the “life of science.” The Fund replaces the Susan Elizabeth Abrams Prize, which had been awarded, by a committee of scholars and Press authors, to books published in the history of science from 2003-2011.
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