Southeast Asia and Australia
Related Subjects
- East Asia
- General Asian Studies
- South Asia
- Southeast Asia and Australia
Bandung Revisited
Migration Revolution
The Mystery of A Yellow Sleuth
Industrialization in Late-Developing ASEAN Countries
Traditionalism and the Ascendancy of the Malay Ruling Class in Malaya
Singapore, ASEAN and the Cambodian Conflict 1978-1991
Inspired by Country
Tall Tree, Nest of the Wind
Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia
Arrernte Present, Arrernte Past
Interpreting Southeast Asia’s Past
Breeds of Empire
Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality
Singaporean Creatures
Contesting Malayness
Nature Contained
Nature’s Colony
Paths Not Taken
Balinese Worlds
The Meaning of Whitemen
Popular Culture Co-Productions and Collaborations in East and Southeast Asia
Temiar Religion, 1964-2012
Cold War and Decolonisation
The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory
War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore
Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements
Fish Hooks of the Pacific Islands
The Loss of Java
Admiral Matelieff’s Singapore and Johor, 1606-1616
Hugo Grotius, the Portuguese, and Free Trade in the East Indies
Jacques de Coutre’s Singapore and Johor 1594-c. 1625
Journal, Memorials and Letters of Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge
The Memoirs and Memorials of Jacques de Coutre
The Singapore and Melaka Straits
Changing Lives in Laos
Vietnam Zippos
Sovereignty and the Sea
Bentham and Australia
Unraveling Myanmar’s Transition
Everyday Modernism
The Peasant Robbers of Kedah, 1900-1929
Red Star Over Malaya
Chinese Food and Foodways in Southeast Asia and Beyond
Vietnam Documented
The Aware Saga
Liberalism and the Postcolony
Law and Disorder in the Postcolony
Democracy and National Identity in Thailand
Tales of an Eastern Port
Land and Longhouse
The Oil Palm Complex
Borneo Transformed
Gambling with the Land
Singapore’s Permanent Territorial Revolution
Mother Figured
Champions of Buddhism
Heroes and Revolution in Vietnam, 1948-1964
Chinese Epigraphy in Singapore, 1819-1911
The Power of Ideas
Indonesian Women and Local Politics
The Singapore River
Visayan Vignettes
Soldiers and Diplomacy in Burma
Innovation, Style and Spectacle in Wayang
Malaysia’s Original People
Living with Risk
Yali’s Question
Churchill and the Lion City
To Cage the Red Dragon
Economic Development of Burma
Words in Motion
Guns of February
The Economic Transition in Myanmar after 1988
The Philippines and Japan in America’s Shadow
Malay Seals from the Islamic World of Southeast Asia
The Patchwork City
Peddlers and Princes
The Religion of Java
Kinship in Bali
Freedom from the Press
Between Culture and Fantasy
Engaging Asia
Southeast Asia After the Cold War
Home Is Where We Are
Electoral Reform and Democracy in Malaysia
Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century
Cross-Cultural Exchange and the Colonial Imaginary
Champa and the Archaeology of M? So’n (Vietnam)
The Chinese Question
Traveling Nation-Makers
Identity and Pleasure
Siege of the Spirits
Fields of Desire
Early Southeast Asia
Victorious Wives
Agriculture in the Malaysian Region
Rice in Malaya
Changing Landscapes of Singapore
the lives & times of hrh
World War II Singapore
Ethics, Business and Capitalism
Modern Thai Buddhism and Buddhadasa Bhikku
Saying the Unsayable
A History of the People’s Action Party, 1985-2021
Cosmopolitan Intimacies
A Region in Turmoil
Labour Market Segmentation in Malaysian Services
Law, Institutions and Malaysian Economic Development
Ghosts of the Past in Southern Thailand
Islam, Nationalism and Democracy
Performing the Arts of Indonesia
Custom and Confrontation
A Politics of Virtue
Represented Communities
Playing for Malaya
People of Virtue
Artists and the People
Tales of Southeast Asia’s Jazz Age
A New World in the Making
Sidewalk City
Heritage and Identity in Contemporary Thailand
Reading Bangkok
UNESCO in Southeast Asia
War or Peace in the South China Sea?
Materializing Southeast Asia’s Past
Unearthing Southeast Asia’s Past
Pedra Branca
The Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45
Moral Politics in the Philippines
Prisms on the Golden Pagoda
Regimes of Contention
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Exploration and Exchange
Clinical Psychology in Singapore
Love, Money and Obligation
Malaysian Cinema in the New Millennium
Sites, Bodies and Stories
Love and Dread in Cambodia
Writing Singapore
China and the Shaping of Indonesia
The Cham of Vietnam
The Politics of the Malayan Communist Party from 1930 to 1948
Urbanization, Migration and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis
The Copy Generic
Islam and Politics in Indonesia
The ASEAN Miracle
Rethinking Thailand’s Southern Violence
The Paradox of Agrarian Change
The Men Who Lost Singapore, 1938-1942
Wayward Distractions
Questioning Modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia
Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300–1800
Catastrophe and Regeneration in Indonesia’s Peatlands
Global Movements, Local Concerns
Thai South and Malay North
Sundanese Print Culture and Modernity in 19th Century West Java
Wayang and Its Doubles
Dialect of Distant Harbors
State and Finance in the Philippines, 1898-1941
Strong Soldiers, Failed Revolution
Cave of My Ancestors
A Mandarin and the Making of Public Policy
Bali - An Open Fortress, 1995-2005
Civil Society Elites
Economic Disparity in Rural Myanmar
Bangkok Transformed
Revolution in the City of Heroes
The Sacred Remains
Interactions with a Violent Past
Populism in Asia
Unequal Thailand
The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka, 1575-1619
Isan Writers, Thai Literature
Translating the Body
Viral Economies
Insurgent Communities
Celluloid Colony
Australian Gothic
The Blood of the People
An Indonesian Frontier
To Nation by Revolution
Islam Translated
Disease and Demography in Colonial Burma
Studies on Islam and Society in Southeast Asia
Laughing at Leviathan
Living in the Stone Age
Writing the Modern
Consumption of Kuala Lumpur
Rebels, Wives, Saints
D’Albuquerque’s Children
It’s a Living
Promises and Predicaments
Renegade Rhymes
The Phantom World of Digul
Upland Transformations in Vietnam
A New God in the Diaspora?
Industrialization with a Weak State
Waves Across the South
An Economic History of Cambodia in the Twentieth Century
Linguistic Diversity and National Unity
Resilience and the Localisation of Trauma in Aceh, Indonesia
A New Sun Rises Over the Old Land
Contemporary Indonesian Art
Being Present
Cambodia Votes
Organising under the Revolution
Khian Thai
Aan Thai
Palace, Political Party and Power
Racial Science and Human Diversity in Colonial Indonesia
Central Banking as State Building
Museums, History and Culture in Malaysia
Renaissance Singapore? Economy, Culture, and Politics
Of Whales and Dinosaurs
From the Blue Windows
Britain and Sihanouk’s Cambodia
Britain and the Neutralisation of Laos
Britain, Southeast Asia and the Impact of the Korean War
The British and the Vietnam War
Studying Singapore’s Past
Gamelan Gong Kebyar
Fighting for Health
Vietnamese Traditional Medicine
Southeast Asian Anthropologies
Unsettling Absences
Southeast Asia in Ruins
Making It Up Together
Connecting Empires and States
Crossing Borders
Merdeka and Much More
Prince of Pirates
Latent Images
Hard Choices
Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World
Banditry in West Java
The Business of Politics and Ethnicity
Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century
Southeast Asia-China Interactions
The Politics of the Periphery in Indonesia
The Annotated Malay Archipelago
Ah Ku and Karayuki-san
Iranun and Balangingi
Rickshaw Coolie
Contestations of Memory in Southeast Asia
A Tiger Remembers
US-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975
Towards a New Malaysia?
Impressions of the Goh Chok Tong Years in Singapore
Visible and Invisible Realms
Managing Turbulent Hearts
Sounding the Center
Malaysian ’Bail Outs’? Capital Controls, Restructuring and Recovery
Chinese Business in the Making of a Malay State, 1882-1941
Photography in Southeast Asia
The Collected Poems of Arthur Yap
Noon at Five O’Clock
Contesting Space in Colonial Singapore
Penang and Its Region
Till The Break of Day
New Perspectives of the Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45
Beyond Democracy in Cambodia
Migration Revolution
The Mystery of A Yellow Sleuth
Industrialization in Late-Developing ASEAN Countries
Traditionalism and the Ascendancy of the Malay Ruling Class in Malaya
Singapore, ASEAN and the Cambodian Conflict 1978-1991
Inspired by Country
Tall Tree, Nest of the Wind
Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia
Arrernte Present, Arrernte Past
Interpreting Southeast Asia’s Past
Breeds of Empire
Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality
Singaporean Creatures
Contesting Malayness
Nature Contained
Nature’s Colony
Paths Not Taken
Balinese Worlds
The Meaning of Whitemen
Popular Culture Co-Productions and Collaborations in East and Southeast Asia
Temiar Religion, 1964-2012
Cold War and Decolonisation
The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory
War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore
Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements
Fish Hooks of the Pacific Islands
The Loss of Java
Admiral Matelieff’s Singapore and Johor, 1606-1616
Hugo Grotius, the Portuguese, and Free Trade in the East Indies
Jacques de Coutre’s Singapore and Johor 1594-c. 1625
Journal, Memorials and Letters of Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge
The Memoirs and Memorials of Jacques de Coutre
The Singapore and Melaka Straits
Changing Lives in Laos
Vietnam Zippos
Sovereignty and the Sea
Bentham and Australia
Unraveling Myanmar’s Transition
Everyday Modernism
The Peasant Robbers of Kedah, 1900-1929
Red Star Over Malaya
Chinese Food and Foodways in Southeast Asia and Beyond
Vietnam Documented
The Aware Saga
Liberalism and the Postcolony
Law and Disorder in the Postcolony
Democracy and National Identity in Thailand
Tales of an Eastern Port
Land and Longhouse
The Oil Palm Complex
Borneo Transformed
Gambling with the Land
Singapore’s Permanent Territorial Revolution
Mother Figured
Champions of Buddhism
Heroes and Revolution in Vietnam, 1948-1964
Chinese Epigraphy in Singapore, 1819-1911
The Power of Ideas
Indonesian Women and Local Politics
The Singapore River
Visayan Vignettes
Soldiers and Diplomacy in Burma
Innovation, Style and Spectacle in Wayang
Malaysia’s Original People
Living with Risk
Yali’s Question
Churchill and the Lion City
To Cage the Red Dragon
Economic Development of Burma
Words in Motion
Guns of February
The Economic Transition in Myanmar after 1988
The Philippines and Japan in America’s Shadow
Malay Seals from the Islamic World of Southeast Asia
The Patchwork City
Peddlers and Princes
The Religion of Java
Kinship in Bali
Freedom from the Press
Between Culture and Fantasy
Engaging Asia
Southeast Asia After the Cold War
Home Is Where We Are
Electoral Reform and Democracy in Malaysia
Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century
Cross-Cultural Exchange and the Colonial Imaginary
Champa and the Archaeology of M? So’n (Vietnam)
The Chinese Question
Traveling Nation-Makers
Identity and Pleasure
Siege of the Spirits
Fields of Desire
Early Southeast Asia
Victorious Wives
Agriculture in the Malaysian Region
Rice in Malaya
Changing Landscapes of Singapore
the lives & times of hrh
World War II Singapore
Ethics, Business and Capitalism
Modern Thai Buddhism and Buddhadasa Bhikku
Saying the Unsayable
A History of the People’s Action Party, 1985-2021
Cosmopolitan Intimacies
A Region in Turmoil
Labour Market Segmentation in Malaysian Services
Law, Institutions and Malaysian Economic Development
Ghosts of the Past in Southern Thailand
Islam, Nationalism and Democracy
Performing the Arts of Indonesia
Custom and Confrontation
A Politics of Virtue
Represented Communities
Playing for Malaya
People of Virtue
Artists and the People
Tales of Southeast Asia’s Jazz Age
A New World in the Making
Sidewalk City
Heritage and Identity in Contemporary Thailand
Reading Bangkok
UNESCO in Southeast Asia
War or Peace in the South China Sea?
Materializing Southeast Asia’s Past
Unearthing Southeast Asia’s Past
Pedra Branca
The Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45
Moral Politics in the Philippines
Prisms on the Golden Pagoda
Regimes of Contention
Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III
Exploration and Exchange
Clinical Psychology in Singapore
Love, Money and Obligation
Malaysian Cinema in the New Millennium
Sites, Bodies and Stories
Love and Dread in Cambodia
Writing Singapore
China and the Shaping of Indonesia
The Cham of Vietnam
The Politics of the Malayan Communist Party from 1930 to 1948
Urbanization, Migration and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis
The Copy Generic
Islam and Politics in Indonesia
The ASEAN Miracle
Rethinking Thailand’s Southern Violence
The Paradox of Agrarian Change
The Men Who Lost Singapore, 1938-1942
Wayward Distractions
Questioning Modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia
Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300–1800
Catastrophe and Regeneration in Indonesia’s Peatlands
Global Movements, Local Concerns
Thai South and Malay North
Sundanese Print Culture and Modernity in 19th Century West Java
Wayang and Its Doubles
Dialect of Distant Harbors
State and Finance in the Philippines, 1898-1941
Strong Soldiers, Failed Revolution
Cave of My Ancestors
A Mandarin and the Making of Public Policy
Bali - An Open Fortress, 1995-2005
Civil Society Elites
Economic Disparity in Rural Myanmar
Bangkok Transformed
Revolution in the City of Heroes
The Sacred Remains
Interactions with a Violent Past
Populism in Asia
Unequal Thailand
The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka, 1575-1619
Isan Writers, Thai Literature
Translating the Body
Viral Economies
Insurgent Communities
Celluloid Colony
Australian Gothic
The Blood of the People
An Indonesian Frontier
To Nation by Revolution
Islam Translated
Disease and Demography in Colonial Burma
Studies on Islam and Society in Southeast Asia
Laughing at Leviathan
Living in the Stone Age
Writing the Modern
Consumption of Kuala Lumpur
Rebels, Wives, Saints
D’Albuquerque’s Children
It’s a Living
Promises and Predicaments
Renegade Rhymes
The Phantom World of Digul
Upland Transformations in Vietnam
A New God in the Diaspora?
Industrialization with a Weak State
Waves Across the South
An Economic History of Cambodia in the Twentieth Century
Linguistic Diversity and National Unity
Resilience and the Localisation of Trauma in Aceh, Indonesia
A New Sun Rises Over the Old Land
Contemporary Indonesian Art
Being Present
Cambodia Votes
Organising under the Revolution
Khian Thai
Aan Thai
Palace, Political Party and Power
Racial Science and Human Diversity in Colonial Indonesia
Central Banking as State Building
Museums, History and Culture in Malaysia
Renaissance Singapore? Economy, Culture, and Politics
Of Whales and Dinosaurs
From the Blue Windows
Britain and Sihanouk’s Cambodia
Britain and the Neutralisation of Laos
Britain, Southeast Asia and the Impact of the Korean War
The British and the Vietnam War
Studying Singapore’s Past
Gamelan Gong Kebyar
Fighting for Health
Vietnamese Traditional Medicine
Southeast Asian Anthropologies
Unsettling Absences
Southeast Asia in Ruins
Making It Up Together
Connecting Empires and States
Crossing Borders
Merdeka and Much More
Prince of Pirates
Latent Images
Hard Choices
Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World
Banditry in West Java
The Business of Politics and Ethnicity
Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century
Southeast Asia-China Interactions
The Politics of the Periphery in Indonesia
The Annotated Malay Archipelago
Ah Ku and Karayuki-san
Iranun and Balangingi
Rickshaw Coolie
Contestations of Memory in Southeast Asia
A Tiger Remembers
US-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975
Towards a New Malaysia?
Impressions of the Goh Chok Tong Years in Singapore
Visible and Invisible Realms
Managing Turbulent Hearts
Sounding the Center
Malaysian ’Bail Outs’? Capital Controls, Restructuring and Recovery
Chinese Business in the Making of a Malay State, 1882-1941
Photography in Southeast Asia
The Collected Poems of Arthur Yap
Noon at Five O’Clock
Contesting Space in Colonial Singapore
Penang and Its Region
Till The Break of Day
New Perspectives of the Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45
Beyond Democracy in Cambodia
Titles In Subject
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