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Looking through the Speculum

Examining the Women’s Health Movement

Highlights local history to tell a national story about the evolution of the women’s health movement, illuminating the struggles and successes of bringing feminist dreams into clinical spaces.
The women’s health movement in the United States, beginning in 1969 and taking hold in the 1970s, was a broad-based movement seeking to increase women’s bodily knowledge, reproductive control, and well-being. It was a political movement that insisted that bodily autonomy provided the key to women’s liberation. It was also an institution-building movement that sought to transform women’s relationships with medicine; it was dedicated to increasing women’s access to affordable health care without the barriers of homophobia, racism, and sexism. But the movement did not only focus on women’s bodies. It also encouraged activists to reimagine their relationships with one another, to develop their relationships in the name of personal and political change, and, eventually, to discover and confront the limitations of the bonds of womanhood.

This book examines historically the emergence, development, travails, and triumphs of the women’s health movement in the United States. By bringing medical history and the history of women’s bodies into our emerging understandings of second-wave feminism, the author sheds light on the understudied efforts to shape health care and reproductive control beyond the hospital and the doctor’s office—in the home, the women’s center, the church basement, the bookshop, and the clinic. Lesbians, straight women, and women of color all play crucial roles in this history. At its center are the politics, institutions, and relationships created by and within the women’s health movement, depicted primarily from the perspective of the activists who shaped its priorities, fought its battles, and grappled with its shortcomings.

384 pages | 16 halftones | 6 x 9 | © 2024

Gay and Lesbian Studies

Gender and Sexuality

History: American History



“A well-researched, eye-opening book about the evolution of the women’s health movement. Highly recommended for readers interested in feminist theory and activism. It’s also a must for people frustrated with and angered by the prevalent biases within the medical system.” 

Library Journal

“[Looking through the Speculum] is a meticulously researched, thoroughly engaging book organized in chapter dyads around four topics: the gynecological self-exam, feminist abortion provision, lesbian health, and Black feminist self-help. . . . Houck’s account is a reminder that activism and allyship are important social medicine skills we practice in family medicine, and it should be of particular interest to those specializing in women’s health and gender-affirming care.”

Family Medicine

“In this deeply researched and engaging work, Houck examines the impact of the women’s liberation movement on healthcare options for American women over the last fifty years. . . . Extensive use of existing secondary sources as well as a wealth of primary sources, including interviews done by the author with a variety of participants and activists, makes this a compelling and informative read.”


“At a moment when reproductive and bodily autonomy are under threat more than ever, Houck tells a timely story of women’s health movement activists who demystified and transformed reproductive medicine to establish liberatory health practices and institutions. Houck’s protagonists also grappled with intersectional marginalization, leading many to demand healthcare that embraced the particular needs and demands of lesbians, trans people, and women of color.”

Jennifer Nelson, University of Redlands

Looking through the Speculum is a gripping account of the women’s health movement and the institutions women’s health activists built and ran from the 1970s into the twenty-first century. Houck chronicles how feminist health activists established women’s health clinics to offer an alternative to the patriarchal model of medicine in which male physicians controlled procedures, information, and medications central to women’s intimate lives. Houck takes us inside the clinics to illustrate how feminist activists put into practice ideas about feminist health care and feminist leadership models. Over time, as the patient population became less white, less heterosexual, and less cisgender, clinics had to deliver more expansive services and adjust to new leadership models to appeal to poorer and less privileged women, women of color, and patients seeking trans care. This is a book not only about women’s attempts to take control of their intimate health care needs, but also about struggles for democracy and leadership these changes brought. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand how political ideals were negotiated and renegotiated as women’s health activists struggled to adjust to the changing needs of their clients and the health care field at large.” 

Johanna Schoen, Rutgers University

Table of Contents

Introduction: From the Speculum to the Clinic
1. With a Flashlight and a Speculum: Envisioning a Feminist Revolution
2. Feminist Health Services: Moving beyond the Speculum
3. Creating a Feminist Politics of Abortion
4. “Will We Still Be Feminist?”: Abortion Provision at the Chico Feminist Women’s Health Center
5. Lesbian Health Matters! Lesbians and the Women’s Health Movement
6. A Clinic of Our Own: Lyon-Martin Women’s Health Services
7. “Any Sister’s Pain”: Forging Black Women’s Sisterhood through Self-Help
8. “The Challenge of Change”: Feminist Health Clinics and the Politics of Inclusion
List of Abbreviations


Choice Magazine: CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Awards

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