Gender and Sexuality
Sexual Nature/Sexual Culture
Gendering the Nation-State
Transforming Displaced Women in Sudan
Of Maybugs and Men
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
Intimate Disconnections
Sappho in Early Modern England
Argonauts of West Africa
The Fear of Child Sexuality
A History of Bisexuality
Deconstruction, Feminist Theology, and the Problem of Difference
Forging Gay Identities
On Hysteria
Banning Transgender Conversion Practices
Women and the Law
Our Vampires, Ourselves
The Clerk’s Tale
Money, Myths, and Change
A Mieke Bal Reader
The Language of Sex
Friendship as Social Justice Activism
Queer Comrades
Abigail and John Adams
The Culture of Sensibility
The Mirror of the Self
Tales of Two Cities
Meet Joe Copper
Embodying Contagion
Manliness and Civilization
Angela Davis
Gay Cuban Nation
Open Play
Holy Anorexia
How to Do It
The Crossroads of Class and Gender
The Anatomy of National Fantasy
Brokered Subjects
Temporarily Yours
Is the Rectum a Grave?
Thoughts and Things
Intimate City
Phobic and the Erotic
Family Law in Action
The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory
Sexology Uncensored
Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love
Gender in medieval places, spaces and thresholds
Acting for Others
Libidinal Currents
How to Make It as a Woman
Cruel Attachments
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
The Gospel of Family Planning
The Friend
Every Inch a Woman
Love Between Women
How Places Make Us
Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe
Fengshui in China
Breaching the Citadel
Queer Contemporary Art of Southwest Asia North Africa
A Thousand Steps to Parliament
Tragic Spirits
Feeling Feminism
Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image
Language and Sexuality
Intimate States
Meanings for Manhood
A Brief History of Nakedness
A Brief History of Nakedness
Pathways of Desire
No Place Like Home
Peculiar Places
Sexing the Teacher
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Becoming Lesbian
The Music Diva Spectacle
Beyond the World of Men
The Passion Book
The Voice of the Rural
Making Kin not Population
Making Icons
Visions of Sodom
The Flash Press
Pick Up the Pieces
Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender
Closet Writing/Gay Reading
My Three Dads
Francesca Caccini at the Medici Court
Soviet Signoras
Intimate Matters
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities
A Surgical Temptation
Nine Degrees of Justice
The Dynastic Imagination
Tristan’s Shadow
Guys Like Us
A Little Queer Natural History
Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Unlimited Intimacy
Fictions of Sappho, 1546-1937
Negotiating Adolescence in Rural Bangladesh
Victorian Sexual Dissidence
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain
Feeding the Family
Disturbing Practices
The Bedtrick
Splitting the Difference
The Subject of Murder
When We Imagine Grace
Improper Advances
Sappho Is Burning
Slaves and Other Objects
Solidarities Beyond Borders
The Manly Modern
Women, Islam and Cinema
Until Choice Do Us Part
How the Clinic Made Gender
Lampang Assessment
Women’s Science
Gossip Men
Cato’s Tears and the Making of Anglo-American Emotion
Queer/Tongzhi China
The Quest for Sexual Health
Scream / Queen
Opening Up
Shanghai Nightscapes
Primate Paradigms
Feminist Economics Today
Pornography, the Theory
Dido’s Daughters
Sex in Canada
The Illusion of Equality
Like Andy Warhol
Women, Compulsion, Modernity
Documenting Intimate Matters
Crafted With Pride
Forbidden History
Trials of Intimacy
Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects
Before the Closet
Bloody Good
The Lesbian Issue
A Jewish Woman of Distinction
The Body of Faith
Raymond Henri Dietrich
Queer Modernism
An Interpretation of Desire
Freaks Talk Back
The Nature of Masculinity
Foucault and the Kamasutra
Monet and His Muse
Undoing Impunity
We Still Demand!
The Dividends of Dissent
The Peripheral Centre
Between Culture and Fantasy
Transgender Voices
The Lady and the Virgin
The Man Who Invented Gender
Glorious Bodies
From Tribalism to Nationalism
Doing Feminisms in the Academy
Stolen Limelight
On the Make
Sexual Fields
The Construction of Homosexuality
Anxious Pleasures
Take the Young Stranger by the Hand
The New Female Antihero
Gay Shame
How to Do the History of Homosexuality
Sexuality and Form
Dance, Sex, and Gender
The Work of Gender
Sex and Scientific Inquiry
Gender and American Jews
The Fires of Lust
The Privilege of Crisis
From Reverence to Rape
The Cult of Health and Beauty in Germany
Riotous Flesh
Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia
Before Porn Was Legal
Feminist Morality
Faeries, Bears, and Leathermen
Guardians of the Flutes, Volume 1
Sambia Sexual Culture
Out in Force
The Antigay Agenda
Queering the Underworld
Taking Leave, Taking Liberties
Landscapes of Fear
Covenant of Blood
The Weavers of Trautenau
Educated in Romance
Royal Representations
Of the Nation Born
Looking through the Speculum
Queer London
Concentration Camps on the Home Front
Men Like That
Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan
The Politics of Women’s Suffrage
Rebel Men
Men without Maps
The Mourning After
Picturing Men
Hard-Core Romance
At Stake
Downtown America
Modernism and Masculinity
Deities and Divas
First Queer Voices from Thailand
The Gender Impact of Social Security Reform
Oscar Wilde Prefigured
Visions of Queer Martyrdom from John Henry Newman to Derek Jarman
Kinship and Food in South East Asia
Throughout Your Generations Forever
Readings at the Edge of Literature
Gender in Modern Welsh History
Equivocal Beings
Voice, Silence and Gender in South Africa’s Anti-Apartheid Struggle
The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology
The Silence of Sodom
Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption
The Book of Minor Perverts
Shanghai Lalas
Beyond Brutality
Queer Between the Covers
The Invention of Heterosexuality
Love Stories
Gender and Governance
A Politics of Virtue
Not Tonight
Feminist Theory
Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Musical Theatre
Ingredients for Revolution
Lessons in Drag
Women of the Renaissance
Gender Justice
Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy
Bodies of Knowledge
The Kinky Renaissance
András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy
Crafting Selves
Reading the Room
Kali’s Child
Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom
The Serpent’s Gift
The Boswell Thesis
Law, Family, and Women
Criminal Intimacy
In the Shadow of Diagnosis
Queer Budapest, 1873–1961
The Forgotten Realities of Men
The Burdens of Intimacy
Picturing Political Power
Crossing over the Line
The Sexuality of History
The Modernization of Fatherhood
Gender and Scientific Authority
Rethinking the Political
The Social Organization of Sexuality
The End of Children?
Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols
Science Incarnate
Gender and Change in Hong Kong
Women We Love
Bringing Down the Temple House
Mastery of Words and Swords
Bar Codes
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
In Changing Times
Making National Heroes
Minoritarian Liberalism
Consuming Bodies
Feminism in Revolt
Eros and Inwardness in Vienna
Tangled Diagnoses
Freaks of History
Music and Gender
The Brotherhood of Freemason Sisters
Mobile Orientations
Sexualizing Cancer
Sites of Desire/Economies of Pleasure
A Foot in the Door
Elizabeth I
The Erotic Phenomenon
Queer Forster
Desiring Arabs
Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution
Great Expectations
Making the Renaissance Man
Women’s Culture
Sexual Discretion
A Prescription for Murder
The Trials of Masculinity
On My Honor
Contacts Desired
Ethno-erotic Economies
Queer Objects to the Rescue
Equality for Same-Sex Couples
Against the Avant-Garde
Women Adrift
Essays on Sex Equality
Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages
Departing from Deviance
Coyote Nation
West of Sex
The Subject of Elizabeth
God, Sex, and Politics
The Preacher’s Demons
Embodied Histories
Rituals of Fertility and the Sacrifice of Desire
American Gay
The Business of Sex
Our Pictures, Our Words
Reconfiguring Reproduction
Invisible Lives
The Fabulous Feminist
The Masculine Self in Late Medieval England
Tough Enough
Fashioning Femininity and English Renaissance Drama
Mother Camp
The Gothic at War
Masculinities without Men?
The Sleep of Reason
Fieldwork in Timor-Leste
Marriage Material
The Alcestis Machine
Cripping Intersex
Prostitution in Medieval Society
Gender, Emotions and Power, 1750–2020
The Traffic in Women’s Work
Libertine London
Representing the Male
Queer for Fear
Hearing Southeast Asia
A Guide to America’s Sex Laws
Coming Together
Mema’s House, Mexico City
Performance All the Way Down
Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600
The Republic Afloat
Self-Determination and Women’s Rights in Muslim Societies
National Performances
Watching Hannah
With Respect to Sex
Crossing Gender Boundaries
Oedipus and the Sphinx
A Life In Trans Activism
The Logic of the Lure
Women, Gays, and the Constitution
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection
The Maternal Imprint
Sex Itself
The Politics of Gay Rights
The Perfect Servant
Civilization without Sexes
Disruptive Acts
Sheer Misery
Opera, Sex and Other Vital Matters
Queer Wars
Modern Argentine Masculinities
Kiss My Relics
Gender and Heroism in Early Modern English Literature
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood
This Body That Inhabits Me
Sexuality across the Life Course
Fishers, Monks and Cadres
Chapal Rani, the Last Queen of Bengal
TRANS(per)FORMING Nina Arsenault
A Desired Past
Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret
Articulating Difference
The Emerging Lesbian
Rebels, Wives, Saints
Just One of the Guys?
Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality
Pasolini Requiem
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life
Replaceable You
A Plague of Paradoxes
Sovereign Amity
What Nudism Exposes
Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962–1979
Enchanted Islands
Moved by Love
Eros of International Relations
Criticism Without Authority
Infamous Desire
The People’s Porn
Ambition and Accommodation
Virginia Woolf Icon
Standardizing Sex
Women Voice Men
Believe Not Every Spirit
Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare’s England
To Be a Man Is Not a One-Day Job
In Visible Touch
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885-1917
The Comfort Women
Women & Power
Unfinished Gestures
Queering Chinese Kinship
Live Form
Violent Sensations
The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
Venus in Exile
The Lost Autobiography of Samuel Steward
Concerning Consequences
Critical Terms for the Study of Gender
Before and After Gender
Primate Encounters
The Space of Latin American Women Modernists
Dictionary of Kammu Yùan Language and Culture
Talk of Love
Wives Not Slaves
An American Obsession
Driven Apart
Heavenly Supper
Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism
Erotic Attunement
Cracks in the Iron Closet
The Cassowary’s Revenge
Sex Museums
Gender and the ’’Natural’ Environment in the Middle Ages
Downtown Ladies
With the Hand
Promiscuous Grace
Intimate Friends
The Queerness of Home
The Scene of Harlem Cabaret
Sorting Sexualities
A Meeting of Masks
Hilma af Klint
Touching Encounters
All the Rage
The Weak Body of a Useless Woman
Rough Rider in the White House
Precarious Partners
Ashes of Immortality
Cholas and Pishtacos
Discovering Successful Pathways in Children’s Development
Han Heroes and Yamato Warriors
Chinese Ways of Being Muslim
Secrets, Sex, and Spectacle
Birth Figures
Behind the Veil in Arabia
Soft Patriarchs, New Men
Abortion, Choice, and Contemporary Fiction
Born This Way
Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age
Dirt and Desire
As Normal as Possible
Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text
Disarming the Nation
To Be Seen
Gender, Violent Conflict and Development
Playing the Other
Women Guarding Men
Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works
Diverting the Flow
Gendering the Nation-State
Transforming Displaced Women in Sudan
Of Maybugs and Men
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
Intimate Disconnections
Sappho in Early Modern England
Argonauts of West Africa
The Fear of Child Sexuality
A History of Bisexuality
Deconstruction, Feminist Theology, and the Problem of Difference
Forging Gay Identities
On Hysteria
Banning Transgender Conversion Practices
Women and the Law
Our Vampires, Ourselves
The Clerk’s Tale
Money, Myths, and Change
A Mieke Bal Reader
The Language of Sex
Friendship as Social Justice Activism
Queer Comrades
Abigail and John Adams
The Culture of Sensibility
The Mirror of the Self
Tales of Two Cities
Meet Joe Copper
Embodying Contagion
Manliness and Civilization
Angela Davis
Gay Cuban Nation
Open Play
Holy Anorexia
How to Do It
The Crossroads of Class and Gender
The Anatomy of National Fantasy
Brokered Subjects
Temporarily Yours
Is the Rectum a Grave?
Thoughts and Things
Intimate City
Phobic and the Erotic
Family Law in Action
The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory
Sexology Uncensored
Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love
Gender in medieval places, spaces and thresholds
Acting for Others
Libidinal Currents
How to Make It as a Woman
Cruel Attachments
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
The Gospel of Family Planning
The Friend
Every Inch a Woman
Love Between Women
How Places Make Us
Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe
Fengshui in China
Breaching the Citadel
Queer Contemporary Art of Southwest Asia North Africa
A Thousand Steps to Parliament
Tragic Spirits
Feeling Feminism
Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image
Language and Sexuality
Intimate States
Meanings for Manhood
A Brief History of Nakedness
A Brief History of Nakedness
Pathways of Desire
No Place Like Home
Peculiar Places
Sexing the Teacher
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Becoming Lesbian
The Music Diva Spectacle
Beyond the World of Men
The Passion Book
The Voice of the Rural
Making Kin not Population
Making Icons
Visions of Sodom
The Flash Press
Pick Up the Pieces
Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender
Closet Writing/Gay Reading
My Three Dads
Francesca Caccini at the Medici Court
Soviet Signoras
Intimate Matters
Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities
A Surgical Temptation
Nine Degrees of Justice
The Dynastic Imagination
Tristan’s Shadow
Guys Like Us
A Little Queer Natural History
Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Unlimited Intimacy
Fictions of Sappho, 1546-1937
Negotiating Adolescence in Rural Bangladesh
Victorian Sexual Dissidence
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain
Feeding the Family
Disturbing Practices
The Bedtrick
Splitting the Difference
The Subject of Murder
When We Imagine Grace
Improper Advances
Sappho Is Burning
Slaves and Other Objects
Solidarities Beyond Borders
The Manly Modern
Women, Islam and Cinema
Until Choice Do Us Part
How the Clinic Made Gender
Lampang Assessment
Women’s Science
Gossip Men
Cato’s Tears and the Making of Anglo-American Emotion
Queer/Tongzhi China
The Quest for Sexual Health
Scream / Queen
Opening Up
Shanghai Nightscapes
Primate Paradigms
Feminist Economics Today
Pornography, the Theory
Dido’s Daughters
Sex in Canada
The Illusion of Equality
Like Andy Warhol
Women, Compulsion, Modernity
Documenting Intimate Matters
Crafted With Pride
Forbidden History
Trials of Intimacy
Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects
Before the Closet
Bloody Good
The Lesbian Issue
A Jewish Woman of Distinction
The Body of Faith
Raymond Henri Dietrich
Queer Modernism
An Interpretation of Desire
Freaks Talk Back
The Nature of Masculinity
Foucault and the Kamasutra
Monet and His Muse
Undoing Impunity
We Still Demand!
The Dividends of Dissent
The Peripheral Centre
Between Culture and Fantasy
Transgender Voices
The Lady and the Virgin
The Man Who Invented Gender
Glorious Bodies
From Tribalism to Nationalism
Doing Feminisms in the Academy
Stolen Limelight
On the Make
Sexual Fields
The Construction of Homosexuality
Anxious Pleasures
Take the Young Stranger by the Hand
The New Female Antihero
Gay Shame
How to Do the History of Homosexuality
Sexuality and Form
Dance, Sex, and Gender
The Work of Gender
Sex and Scientific Inquiry
Gender and American Jews
The Fires of Lust
The Privilege of Crisis
From Reverence to Rape
The Cult of Health and Beauty in Germany
Riotous Flesh
Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia
Before Porn Was Legal
Feminist Morality
Faeries, Bears, and Leathermen
Guardians of the Flutes, Volume 1
Sambia Sexual Culture
Out in Force
The Antigay Agenda
Queering the Underworld
Taking Leave, Taking Liberties
Landscapes of Fear
Covenant of Blood
The Weavers of Trautenau
Educated in Romance
Royal Representations
Of the Nation Born
Looking through the Speculum
Queer London
Concentration Camps on the Home Front
Men Like That
Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan
The Politics of Women’s Suffrage
Rebel Men
Men without Maps
The Mourning After
Picturing Men
Hard-Core Romance
At Stake
Downtown America
Modernism and Masculinity
Deities and Divas
First Queer Voices from Thailand
The Gender Impact of Social Security Reform
Oscar Wilde Prefigured
Visions of Queer Martyrdom from John Henry Newman to Derek Jarman
Kinship and Food in South East Asia
Throughout Your Generations Forever
Readings at the Edge of Literature
Gender in Modern Welsh History
Equivocal Beings
Voice, Silence and Gender in South Africa’s Anti-Apartheid Struggle
The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology
The Silence of Sodom
Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption
The Book of Minor Perverts
Shanghai Lalas
Beyond Brutality
Queer Between the Covers
The Invention of Heterosexuality
Love Stories
Gender and Governance
A Politics of Virtue
Not Tonight
Feminist Theory
Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Musical Theatre
Ingredients for Revolution
Lessons in Drag
Women of the Renaissance
Gender Justice
Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy
Bodies of Knowledge
The Kinky Renaissance
András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy
Crafting Selves
Reading the Room
Kali’s Child
Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom
The Serpent’s Gift
The Boswell Thesis
Law, Family, and Women
Criminal Intimacy
In the Shadow of Diagnosis
Queer Budapest, 1873–1961
The Forgotten Realities of Men
The Burdens of Intimacy
Picturing Political Power
Crossing over the Line
The Sexuality of History
The Modernization of Fatherhood
Gender and Scientific Authority
Rethinking the Political
The Social Organization of Sexuality
The End of Children?
Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols
Science Incarnate
Gender and Change in Hong Kong
Women We Love
Bringing Down the Temple House
Mastery of Words and Swords
Bar Codes
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
In Changing Times
Making National Heroes
Minoritarian Liberalism
Consuming Bodies
Feminism in Revolt
Eros and Inwardness in Vienna
Tangled Diagnoses
Freaks of History
Music and Gender
The Brotherhood of Freemason Sisters
Mobile Orientations
Sexualizing Cancer
Sites of Desire/Economies of Pleasure
A Foot in the Door
Elizabeth I
The Erotic Phenomenon
Queer Forster
Desiring Arabs
Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution
Great Expectations
Making the Renaissance Man
Women’s Culture
Sexual Discretion
A Prescription for Murder
The Trials of Masculinity
On My Honor
Contacts Desired
Ethno-erotic Economies
Queer Objects to the Rescue
Equality for Same-Sex Couples
Against the Avant-Garde
Women Adrift
Essays on Sex Equality
Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages
Departing from Deviance
Coyote Nation
West of Sex
The Subject of Elizabeth
God, Sex, and Politics
The Preacher’s Demons
Embodied Histories
Rituals of Fertility and the Sacrifice of Desire
American Gay
The Business of Sex
Our Pictures, Our Words
Reconfiguring Reproduction
Invisible Lives
The Fabulous Feminist
The Masculine Self in Late Medieval England
Tough Enough
Fashioning Femininity and English Renaissance Drama
Mother Camp
The Gothic at War
Masculinities without Men?
The Sleep of Reason
Fieldwork in Timor-Leste
Marriage Material
The Alcestis Machine
Cripping Intersex
Prostitution in Medieval Society
Gender, Emotions and Power, 1750–2020
The Traffic in Women’s Work
Libertine London
Representing the Male
Queer for Fear
Hearing Southeast Asia
A Guide to America’s Sex Laws
Coming Together
Mema’s House, Mexico City
Performance All the Way Down
Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600
The Republic Afloat
Self-Determination and Women’s Rights in Muslim Societies
National Performances
Watching Hannah
With Respect to Sex
Crossing Gender Boundaries
Oedipus and the Sphinx
A Life In Trans Activism
The Logic of the Lure
Women, Gays, and the Constitution
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection
The Maternal Imprint
Sex Itself
The Politics of Gay Rights
The Perfect Servant
Civilization without Sexes
Disruptive Acts
Sheer Misery
Opera, Sex and Other Vital Matters
Queer Wars
Modern Argentine Masculinities
Kiss My Relics
Gender and Heroism in Early Modern English Literature
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood
This Body That Inhabits Me
Sexuality across the Life Course
Fishers, Monks and Cadres
Chapal Rani, the Last Queen of Bengal
TRANS(per)FORMING Nina Arsenault
A Desired Past
Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret
Articulating Difference
The Emerging Lesbian
Rebels, Wives, Saints
Just One of the Guys?
Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality
Pasolini Requiem
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life
Replaceable You
A Plague of Paradoxes
Sovereign Amity
What Nudism Exposes
Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962–1979
Enchanted Islands
Moved by Love
Eros of International Relations
Criticism Without Authority
Infamous Desire
The People’s Porn
Ambition and Accommodation
Virginia Woolf Icon
Standardizing Sex
Women Voice Men
Believe Not Every Spirit
Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare’s England
To Be a Man Is Not a One-Day Job
In Visible Touch
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885-1917
The Comfort Women
Women & Power
Unfinished Gestures
Queering Chinese Kinship
Live Form
Violent Sensations
The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
Venus in Exile
The Lost Autobiography of Samuel Steward
Concerning Consequences
Critical Terms for the Study of Gender
Before and After Gender
Primate Encounters
The Space of Latin American Women Modernists
Dictionary of Kammu Yùan Language and Culture
Talk of Love
Wives Not Slaves
An American Obsession
Driven Apart
Heavenly Supper
Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism
Erotic Attunement
Cracks in the Iron Closet
The Cassowary’s Revenge
Sex Museums
Gender and the ’’Natural’ Environment in the Middle Ages
Downtown Ladies
With the Hand
Promiscuous Grace
Intimate Friends
The Queerness of Home
The Scene of Harlem Cabaret
Sorting Sexualities
A Meeting of Masks
Hilma af Klint
Touching Encounters
All the Rage
The Weak Body of a Useless Woman
Rough Rider in the White House
Precarious Partners
Ashes of Immortality
Cholas and Pishtacos
Discovering Successful Pathways in Children’s Development
Han Heroes and Yamato Warriors
Chinese Ways of Being Muslim
Secrets, Sex, and Spectacle
Birth Figures
Behind the Veil in Arabia
Soft Patriarchs, New Men
Abortion, Choice, and Contemporary Fiction
Born This Way
Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age
Dirt and Desire
As Normal as Possible
Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text
Disarming the Nation
To Be Seen
Gender, Violent Conflict and Development
Playing the Other
Women Guarding Men
Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works
Diverting the Flow
Titles In Subject
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