The Lower Paleolithic Site at Hoxne, England
The Lower Paleolithic Site at Hoxne, England
At the edge of the small Suffolk village of Hoxne lies what
is arguably the single most important Middle Pleistocene
archaeological site in Europe. Here the deposits contain not
only prehistoric artifacts but also extraordinary records of
fossil flora and fauna, making Hoxne one of the few
paleolithic sites where early hominid materials can be found
with other types of information in their primary contexts.
Much controversy has surrounded the interpretation of
these prehistoric materials and their stratigraphic position
since John Frere published the first account of the site in
1797. Seeking to resolve some of the disputes, a team from
the University of Chicago began in 1971 the most extensive
series of excavations yet undertaken. This profusely
illustrated volume presents the results of the team’s five
summers of excavations, which ended in 1978, and includes
contributions by twelve specialists who represent many
branches of Quaternary science. Although some uncertainty
remains on various minor questions, this will stand for many
years to come as the definitive study of Hoxne’s
archaeological and geochronological significance.
Ronald Singer is the Robert R. Bensley Professor in the
Departments of Anatomy and Anthropology at the University of
Chicago. Bruce G. Gladfelter is associate professor in the
Department of Geography at the University of Illinois at
Chicago. John Wymer, a self-employed archaeologist, has been
a field officer with the Norfolk Archaeological Unit and the
Essex Archaeological Unit.
is arguably the single most important Middle Pleistocene
archaeological site in Europe. Here the deposits contain not
only prehistoric artifacts but also extraordinary records of
fossil flora and fauna, making Hoxne one of the few
paleolithic sites where early hominid materials can be found
with other types of information in their primary contexts.
Much controversy has surrounded the interpretation of
these prehistoric materials and their stratigraphic position
since John Frere published the first account of the site in
1797. Seeking to resolve some of the disputes, a team from
the University of Chicago began in 1971 the most extensive
series of excavations yet undertaken. This profusely
illustrated volume presents the results of the team’s five
summers of excavations, which ended in 1978, and includes
contributions by twelve specialists who represent many
branches of Quaternary science. Although some uncertainty
remains on various minor questions, this will stand for many
years to come as the definitive study of Hoxne’s
archaeological and geochronological significance.
Ronald Singer is the Robert R. Bensley Professor in the
Departments of Anatomy and Anthropology at the University of
Chicago. Bruce G. Gladfelter is associate professor in the
Department of Geography at the University of Illinois at
Chicago. John Wymer, a self-employed archaeologist, has been
a field officer with the Norfolk Archaeological Unit and the
Essex Archaeological Unit.
254 pages | 51 halftones, 79 tables, 111 line drawings | 8-1/2 x 11 | © 1993
Anthropology: Physical Anthropology
Table of Contents
List of Plates
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Foreword by James Rose
1. Introduction
John J. Wymer and Ronald Singer
The historical context and background
The history of previous excavations at Hoxne
Sedimentary units
Excavation method, recording process, and terminology
Location and summary: Records of all cuttings made at Hoxne, 1971-74 and 1978
2. The Geostratigraphic Context of the Archeology
Bruce G. Gladfelter
The Upper Sequence
The deposits and the artifacts
Previous interpretations of the stratigraphy at Hoxne
Paleogeomorphic developments at Hoxne
The upland setting of Hoxne
3. The Geomorphological History of the Waveney Valley and the Interglacial Deposits at Hoxne
Peter Coxon
Quarternary geology of the Waveney Valley
The terraces of the River Waveney
Interglacial deposits
4. Flint Industries and Human Activity
John J. Wymer and Ronald Singer
The flint industries
Human activity
5. The Utilization of Lithic Artifacts
1. Microwear analysis of lithics
Lawrence H. Keeley
2. Taphonomic analysis of the faunal assemblage
Marianne P. Stopp
6. New Palynological Studies at Hoxne
William W. Mullenders
The pollen diagrams
7. Late-Glacial (Anglian) and Late-Temperate (Hoxnian) Coleoptera
G. Russell Coope
Late-glacial coleoptera from Hoxne
Interglacial coleoptera from Stratum D
8. Fossil Vertebrates
Anthony J. Stuart, Ronald G. Wolff, Adrian M. Lister, Ronald Singer, and Jane M. Egginton
Taxonomy and identification
Provenance of the vertebrate assemblage: some taphonomic considerations
Stratigraphical interpreation of vertebrate fauna
Environmental interpretation of the vertebrate fauna
9. Dating the Deposits at Hoxne
Bruce G. Gladfelter, John J. Wymer, and Ronald Singer, with contributions by Sheridan G. E. Bowman, Henry P. Schwarcz, and Rainer Grün
The succession of events at Hoxne
Calibrated-age determinations from Hoxne
The relative age of Hoxne
10. The Industries at Hoxne and the Lower Paleolithic of Britain
John J. Wymer, Bruce G. Gladfelter, and Ronald Singer, with a contribution by William W. Mullenders
The Clactonian
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Foreword by James Rose
1. Introduction
John J. Wymer and Ronald Singer
The historical context and background
The history of previous excavations at Hoxne
Sedimentary units
Excavation method, recording process, and terminology
Location and summary: Records of all cuttings made at Hoxne, 1971-74 and 1978
2. The Geostratigraphic Context of the Archeology
Bruce G. Gladfelter
The Upper Sequence
The deposits and the artifacts
Previous interpretations of the stratigraphy at Hoxne
Paleogeomorphic developments at Hoxne
The upland setting of Hoxne
3. The Geomorphological History of the Waveney Valley and the Interglacial Deposits at Hoxne
Peter Coxon
Quarternary geology of the Waveney Valley
The terraces of the River Waveney
Interglacial deposits
4. Flint Industries and Human Activity
John J. Wymer and Ronald Singer
The flint industries
Human activity
5. The Utilization of Lithic Artifacts
1. Microwear analysis of lithics
Lawrence H. Keeley
2. Taphonomic analysis of the faunal assemblage
Marianne P. Stopp
6. New Palynological Studies at Hoxne
William W. Mullenders
The pollen diagrams
7. Late-Glacial (Anglian) and Late-Temperate (Hoxnian) Coleoptera
G. Russell Coope
Late-glacial coleoptera from Hoxne
Interglacial coleoptera from Stratum D
8. Fossil Vertebrates
Anthony J. Stuart, Ronald G. Wolff, Adrian M. Lister, Ronald Singer, and Jane M. Egginton
Taxonomy and identification
Provenance of the vertebrate assemblage: some taphonomic considerations
Stratigraphical interpreation of vertebrate fauna
Environmental interpretation of the vertebrate fauna
9. Dating the Deposits at Hoxne
Bruce G. Gladfelter, John J. Wymer, and Ronald Singer, with contributions by Sheridan G. E. Bowman, Henry P. Schwarcz, and Rainer Grün
The succession of events at Hoxne
Calibrated-age determinations from Hoxne
The relative age of Hoxne
10. The Industries at Hoxne and the Lower Paleolithic of Britain
John J. Wymer, Bruce G. Gladfelter, and Ronald Singer, with a contribution by William W. Mullenders
The Clactonian
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