American Egyptologist
Facts on the Ground
The Minoans
Alakent Church
Enchanted Wales
Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization
The Uruk World System
Designs of Destruction
Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage
Signs of the Time
Piecing Together Sha Po
Interpreting Southeast Asia’s Past
A History of Boston in 50 Artifacts
A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period
Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State
The Aztecs
Hidden Dimensions
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells, Volume 1
The Barbarians
Heritage and Nationalism
The Oldest Cuisine in the World
Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
The Codex and Crafts in Late Antiquity
Pistiros VI
Studies of Homeric Greece
Conflict, Heritage and World-Making in the Chaco
Baden, Kostolac, Vucedol and Vinkovci
Lookout Cave
Archaeological Atlas of Prehistoric Europe
A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel
Early Human Occupation in British Columbia
Live Stock and Dead Things
They Wrote on Clay
What Is Paleolithic Art?
The Assyrians
The Sumerians
Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits
So Much Stuff
History’s Shadow
Unearthing Forgotten Values
The Phantom Image
Olga Tufnell’s “Perfect Journey”
St Peter-On-The-Wall
Guide to Fossil Man
Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Kenya
Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia
The Egyptians
Chronologies in Old World Archaeology
Haida Gwaii
The Rediscovery of Antiquity
Communities of Style
Remembering and Forgetting in Ancient Mesopotamia
Reconstructing God
Alcman and the Cosmos of Sparta
From Artemis to Diana
Late Antiquity
Heritage Dynamics
Kingship and the Gods
Gerulata: The Lamps
A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s Mega Events
A Century of Nature
Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism
Image and Myth
How to Stage Greek Tragedy Today
A Short History of Tomb-Raiding
Ruling Culture
Foragers and Farmers
The Frozen Saqqaq Sites of Disko Bay, West Greenland
The Northernmost Ruins of the Globe
The Goths
Artifact and Artifice
The Connected Iron Age
Farmers, Kings, and Traders
Champa and the Archaeology of M? So’n (Vietnam)
Discovering Vietnam’s Ancient Capital
The Archaeology of V. Gordon Childe
Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe
Heritage Futures
Penelope’s Bones
The Metopes of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai
Early Southeast Asia
The Compensations of Plunder
Saving the Pyramids
The Phoenicians
Family Lives
Experimental Determination of Stone Tool Uses
Climate and Ancient Societies
Methods and Methodologies in Heritage Studies
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 1
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 2
The Analysis of Animal Bones from Archeological Sites
The Human Career
Materializing Southeast Asia’s Past
Unearthing Southeast Asia’s Past
Selective Remembrances
The City Basilica of Tlos
The Sumerians
The Trouble with Ancient DNA
Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development
The Inca
Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands
Cultural Encounters in Near Eastern History
Giza and the Pyramids
André Leroi-Gourhan on Technology
Bones of Contention
Life-Writing in the History of Archaeology
Apples and Oranges
The Cham of Vietnam
Llyn Cerrig Bach
Emerging from the Mist
The Eternal City
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
Ethnographic Experiments with Artists, Designers and Boundary Objects
The Sangamo Frontier
Ancient People of the Arctic
The Last Imaginary Place
The Star-Crossed Stone
The Archaeology of Hong Kong
The Great Paleolithic War
Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300–1800
The Museum in the Cultural Sciences
Social Adaptation to Food Stress
Sir Aurel Stein
Roman Archaeology in a South Anatolian Landscape
Approaches to Ancient Etruria
Sins of the Shovel
Wondrous Curiosities
Key Concepts in Public Archaeology
Once upon This Land
Buddhist Landscapes
Reciprocity and Redistribution in Andean Civilizations
The Emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture
The Early History of the Ancient Near East, 9000-2000 B.C.
From Mesopotamia to Iraq
Yearning for Immortality
History of the Persian Empire
Ancient Mesopotamia
Ptolemais Cyrenaica
The Maya
The Persians
The Sacred Remains
Rethinking the Andes-Amazonia Divide
Light from Ancient Campfires
The Quality of the Archaeological Record
Heritage Conservation and Social Engagement
Araby the Blest
People of the Middle Fraser Canyon
Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman Provinces, 50 BC - AD 250
Pottery Analysis, Second Edition
The Indus
The Way of the Shovel
Alberta’s Lower Athabasca Basin
Spatial Webs
Winds of Change
Things that Travelled
The Rape of Mesopotamia
The Scarith of Scornello
Bursting the Limits of Time
Problems of Canonicity and Identity Formation in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
Bodies in the Bog and the Archaeological Imagination
The People’s Peking Man
The Etruscans
The Lower Paleolithic Site at Hoxne, England
The Sarpedon Krater
Jandavlattepa, Vol. I
Sherabad Oasis
Archeology in the Adirondacks
Excavating the Sutlers’ House
The Legacy of Fort William Henry
Rangers and Redcoats on the Hudson
When Egypt Ruled the East
Scattered Finds
The Hittites
Journey to the Ice Age
Snorri Sturluson and Reykholt
Second Inernational Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World
Vessels and Variety
Archaeologists in Print
Southeast Asia in Ruins
Anthropology of Landscape
Landscape in the Longue Durée
Connecting Empires and States
Crossing Borders
The Palimpsest of the House
Greece in the Bronze Age
The Making of a King
American Beginnings
Mecca and Eden
The Culture of Ancient Egypt
The Library of Ancient Wisdom
Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume 2 (2A/2B)
Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1
Glazed Wares as Cultural Agents in the Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman Lands
Prehistoric Life on the Mississippi Floodplain
The Buried City
Heritage, World Heritage, and the Future
Neolithic Pottery from the Near East
Facts on the Ground
The Minoans
Alakent Church
Enchanted Wales
Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization
The Uruk World System
Designs of Destruction
Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage
Signs of the Time
Piecing Together Sha Po
Interpreting Southeast Asia’s Past
A History of Boston in 50 Artifacts
A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period
Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State
The Aztecs
Hidden Dimensions
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells, Volume 1
The Barbarians
Heritage and Nationalism
The Oldest Cuisine in the World
Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
The Codex and Crafts in Late Antiquity
Pistiros VI
Studies of Homeric Greece
Conflict, Heritage and World-Making in the Chaco
Baden, Kostolac, Vucedol and Vinkovci
Lookout Cave
Archaeological Atlas of Prehistoric Europe
A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel
Early Human Occupation in British Columbia
Live Stock and Dead Things
They Wrote on Clay
What Is Paleolithic Art?
The Assyrians
The Sumerians
Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits
So Much Stuff
History’s Shadow
Unearthing Forgotten Values
The Phantom Image
Olga Tufnell’s “Perfect Journey”
St Peter-On-The-Wall
Guide to Fossil Man
Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Kenya
Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia
The Egyptians
Chronologies in Old World Archaeology
Haida Gwaii
The Rediscovery of Antiquity
Communities of Style
Remembering and Forgetting in Ancient Mesopotamia
Reconstructing God
Alcman and the Cosmos of Sparta
From Artemis to Diana
Late Antiquity
Heritage Dynamics
Kingship and the Gods
Gerulata: The Lamps
A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s Mega Events
A Century of Nature
Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism
Image and Myth
How to Stage Greek Tragedy Today
A Short History of Tomb-Raiding
Ruling Culture
Foragers and Farmers
The Frozen Saqqaq Sites of Disko Bay, West Greenland
The Northernmost Ruins of the Globe
The Goths
Artifact and Artifice
The Connected Iron Age
Farmers, Kings, and Traders
Champa and the Archaeology of M? So’n (Vietnam)
Discovering Vietnam’s Ancient Capital
The Archaeology of V. Gordon Childe
Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe
Heritage Futures
Penelope’s Bones
The Metopes of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai
Early Southeast Asia
The Compensations of Plunder
Saving the Pyramids
The Phoenicians
Family Lives
Experimental Determination of Stone Tool Uses
Climate and Ancient Societies
Methods and Methodologies in Heritage Studies
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 1
Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, Volume 2
The Analysis of Animal Bones from Archeological Sites
The Human Career
Materializing Southeast Asia’s Past
Unearthing Southeast Asia’s Past
Selective Remembrances
The City Basilica of Tlos
The Sumerians
The Trouble with Ancient DNA
Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development
The Inca
Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands
Cultural Encounters in Near Eastern History
Giza and the Pyramids
André Leroi-Gourhan on Technology
Bones of Contention
Life-Writing in the History of Archaeology
Apples and Oranges
The Cham of Vietnam
Llyn Cerrig Bach
Emerging from the Mist
The Eternal City
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
Ethnographic Experiments with Artists, Designers and Boundary Objects
The Sangamo Frontier
Ancient People of the Arctic
The Last Imaginary Place
The Star-Crossed Stone
The Archaeology of Hong Kong
The Great Paleolithic War
Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300–1800
The Museum in the Cultural Sciences
Social Adaptation to Food Stress
Sir Aurel Stein
Roman Archaeology in a South Anatolian Landscape
Approaches to Ancient Etruria
Sins of the Shovel
Wondrous Curiosities
Key Concepts in Public Archaeology
Once upon This Land
Buddhist Landscapes
Reciprocity and Redistribution in Andean Civilizations
The Emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture
The Early History of the Ancient Near East, 9000-2000 B.C.
From Mesopotamia to Iraq
Yearning for Immortality
History of the Persian Empire
Ancient Mesopotamia
Ptolemais Cyrenaica
The Maya
The Persians
The Sacred Remains
Rethinking the Andes-Amazonia Divide
Light from Ancient Campfires
The Quality of the Archaeological Record
Heritage Conservation and Social Engagement
Araby the Blest
People of the Middle Fraser Canyon
Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman Provinces, 50 BC - AD 250
Pottery Analysis, Second Edition
The Indus
The Way of the Shovel
Alberta’s Lower Athabasca Basin
Spatial Webs
Winds of Change
Things that Travelled
The Rape of Mesopotamia
The Scarith of Scornello
Bursting the Limits of Time
Problems of Canonicity and Identity Formation in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
Bodies in the Bog and the Archaeological Imagination
The People’s Peking Man
The Etruscans
The Lower Paleolithic Site at Hoxne, England
The Sarpedon Krater
Jandavlattepa, Vol. I
Sherabad Oasis
Archeology in the Adirondacks
Excavating the Sutlers’ House
The Legacy of Fort William Henry
Rangers and Redcoats on the Hudson
When Egypt Ruled the East
Scattered Finds
The Hittites
Journey to the Ice Age
Snorri Sturluson and Reykholt
Second Inernational Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World
Vessels and Variety
Archaeologists in Print
Southeast Asia in Ruins
Anthropology of Landscape
Landscape in the Longue Durée
Connecting Empires and States
Crossing Borders
The Palimpsest of the House
Greece in the Bronze Age
The Making of a King
American Beginnings
Mecca and Eden
The Culture of Ancient Egypt
The Library of Ancient Wisdom
Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume 2 (2A/2B)
Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh Volume 1
Glazed Wares as Cultural Agents in the Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman Lands
Prehistoric Life on the Mississippi Floodplain
The Buried City
Heritage, World Heritage, and the Future
Neolithic Pottery from the Near East
Titles In Subject
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