Distributed for Museum Tusculanum Press
Climate and Ancient Societies
341 pages | 27 color plates, 47 halftones,7 line drawings, 11 tables | 6 5/8 x 9 1/2 | © 2014

Table of Contents
Foreword: Stine Rossel (1975–20 0 7): An Appreciation
Richard H. Meadow
Introduction: Can Archaeology Save the World?
Rachael J. Dann
Holocene Climate Reconstruction
Holocene Climate Change and Archaeological Implications, with
Particular Reference to the East Mediterranean Region
Neil Roberts
Hunter-Gatherers Living in a Flooded World: The Change of Climate,
Landscapes and Settlement Patterns during the Late Palaeolithic and
Mesolithic on Bornholm, Denmark
Lasse Sørensen and Claudio Casati
Complex Society’s Responses to Climatic Variation
Urban Adaptations to Climate Change in Northern Mesopotamia
Jason Ur
Cultural Transformation and the ka Event in Upper Mesopotamia
Peter M. M. G. Akkermans, Johannes van der Plicht, Olivier P.
Nieuwenhuyse, Anna Russell and Akemi Kaneda
Climate and Social Change during the Transition between the Late
Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic in Central Anatolia
Peter F. Biehl
A Narrow Place Can Contain a Thousand Friends: Irrigation as a
Response to Climate in the Zerqa Triangle, Jordan
Maurits Ertsen and Eva Kapteijn
The Late Bronze Age Collapse and the Early Iron Age in the Levant:
The Role of Climate in Cultural Disruption
David Kaniewski, Elise Van Campo, Karel Van Lerberghe, Tom Boiy,
Greta Jans, Joachim Bretschneider
Long Term or Short Term? Climate Change and the Demise of the Old Kingdom
Miroslav Bárta
Archaeological Evidence for Pollution and its Ecological
New Data on Animal Exploitation from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic
periods in Northern Sudan
Louis Chaix and Matthieu Honegger
Large Game Depression and the Process of Animal Domestication in the Near East
Benjamin S. Arbuckle
Living in a Marginal Environment: Climate Instability and Possible
Lathyrism in the Syrian Neolithic
Deborah C. Merrett and Christopher Meiklejohn
Perceptions of Pasture: The Role of Skill and Networks in Maintaining
Stable Pastoral Nomadic Systems in Inner Asia
Joshua Wright and Cheryl Makarewicz
Stable Isotope Analysis in the Middle East
Understanding the Reasons for Non-Sustainability in Past Agricultural
Simone Riehl
AMS 14C-dated Plants as a Tool for Investigating Palaeoclimate:
New Data for Analysing Social Complexity in Ebla and Qatna (North-western Syria) in the Light of 3rd Millennium BC Climate Change
Girolamo Fiorentino and Valentina Caracuta
Provenance Studies of Ancient Textiles: A New Method Based on
The Strontium Isotope System
Karin Margarita Frei
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