’Los Invisibles’
A History of Male Homosexuality in Spain, 1850-1940
Distributed for University of Wales Press
’Los Invisibles’
A History of Male Homosexuality in Spain, 1850-1940
Gender studies of Spain has thus far focused almost exclusively on women, leaving the social and political history of male homosexuality virtually untouched. ’Los Invisibles’ fills this significant gap in the study of Spanish culture by analyzing the effects of medical and legal regulation on male homosexuals. Drawing from the discourse of medical history, Richard Cleminson and Francisco Vázquez García evaluate the impact of psychiatry, education, race, and the growth of gay subcultures on cultural representations of homosexuality in this pioneering study.

Table of Contents
Series Editors’ Foreword
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: The British of the ’Invert’: a Truncated
Process of Medicalization
Chapter Three: The Sexological Context, 1915-1939: Sexual Inversion,
Marañón’s ’Intersexuality’ and the ’Social Dangerousness’
of the Homosexual
Chapter Four: ’Quien Con Niños de Junta’: Childhood and the
Spectre of Homoerastia
Chapter Five: ’In Search of Men’: Regeneracionismo and the Crisis
of Masculinity (1898-1936)
Chapter Six: Homosexual Subcultures in Spain: the Intersection of Medicine,
Politics and Identity
Chapter Seven: Conclusion
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