The University of Wales Press publishes English and Welsh-language books in history, political philosophy and religious studies, Welsh and Celtic studies, literary studies, European studies, and medieval studies.
Postcolonial Gothic Fictions from the Caribbean, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Australian Gothic
Who Speaks for Wales?
Making the Literary-Geographical World of Sherlock Holmes
Gender and the ’’Natural’ Environment in the Middle Ages
The Appearance of Evil
Anchorites, Wombs, and Tombs
After Raymond Williams
The Arthur of the Germans
The Arthur of the English
Acts of the Welsh Rulers, 1120-1283
The Arthur of the North
The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature
Paradise in Hell
Policing Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Plants Matter
Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic
Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics
Patronage and Power in the Medieval Welsh March
Painting and Devotion in Golden Age Iberia
Plants in Science Fiction
Paul Murphy
Posthuman Gothic
Petticoat Heroes
Political Power in Medieval Gwynedd
Postcolonialism Revisited
Person and Persona
Postcolonial Wales
A Pocket Guide: Dylan Thomas’s Swansea, Gower and Laugharne
Poverty, Ethics and Justice
The Society for the Reformation of Manners in Hull, 1698–1706
Stolen Limelight
Spain Is Different?
Stars and Ribbons
South Asian Gothic
Star Warriors of the Modern Raj
The Social Life of the Early Modern Protestant Clergy
Stephen King and American Politics
Speeches and Articles 2013 – 2017
The Spanish Anarchists of Northern Australia
Saving the Pyramids
Sex, Sects and Society
Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism
Shakespeare’s Settings and a Sense of Place
Sir Rhys ap Thomas and his Family
St. David’s and Dewisland
Shakespearean Gothic
Soccer and Society
Shadows of Mary
The Settlements of Northwest Wales
Secret Sins
Spying for Hitler
Stephen King’s Gothic
Scandinavian Crime Fiction
Slave Wales
This is My Truth
Theatre Censorship in Spain, 1931–1985
Taking Up Space
Theorising the Contemporary Zombie
Theatre and the Macabre
Theologia Cambrensis
The Centenary Edition Raymond Williams
Transnationalism and Genre Hybridity in New British Horror Cinema
Troy House
Trioedd Ynys Prydein
A Tolerant Nation?
The Truth Against the World
Towneley Cycle
Taking Stock
Tolkien and Wales
The Sound of Welsh Patagonia
The Space of Latin American Women Modernists
Swansea’s Royal Institution and Wales’s First Museum
Seeking Childhood
Spectral Spain
Politics and Metaphysics in Kant
Patrick McGrath
‘A World of New Ideas’, 1650–1820
The Other Catalans
On Art and Painting
Owain Glyndwr
New Blood
Norah Borges
New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History
New Theoretical Perspectives on Dylan Thomas
Néstor Perlongher
The Novels of José Saramago
Memory and Nation
Matthew Gregory Lewis
Young Adult Gothic Fiction
A Welcoming Nation?
Wales, the Mercantile Marine and the First World War
Women in Mexican Folk Art
The Welsh National School of Medicine
Watchdogs or Visionaries?
The Welsh Criminal Justice System
Witchcraft and Adolescence in American Popular Culture
Women’s Lives
Women, Memory and Dictatorship in Recent Chilean Fiction
Women’s Authorship and the Early Gothic
The Welsh Methodist Society
William Morgan
The Welsh and the Medieval World
Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic
Welsh Surnames
With Dust Still in His Throat
The Welsh Language
Wales and Its Boxers
The Welsh Church from Reformation to Disestablishment, 1603-1920
The Welsh Life of Saint David
Wales and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
Welsh Writing from the American Civil War
Welsh Gothic
Wales and the Crusades
The Welsh Gypsies
Welsh Traditional Music
The Women and Men of 1926
Vita Griffini Filii Conani
An Unfolding Vision
Uncanny Youth
Utopia and Reality
Understanding Celtic Religion
Transatlantic Vistas
Towards Modern Nationhood
The Reconciliation of Modernism
Ramsey Campbell
R. S. Thomas to Rowan Williams
Reform, Rebellion and Party in Mexico, 1836–1861
Romantic Medicine and the Gothic Imagination
Representing the Male
Revelation and the Apocalypse in Late Medieval Literature
Reason, Normativity and Law
Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs
Re-envisaging the First Age of Cinematic Horror, 1896-1934
R. S. Thomas
Roald Dahl
Revolution to Devolution
Republicanism and the American Gothic
A Rattleskull Genius
Revitalizing Democracy?
The Rural Poor in Eighteenth Century Wales
Rediscovering Margiad Evans
Robert Recorde
Reading Medieval Anchoritism
The Queer Uncanny
John Poyer, the Civil Wars in Pembrokeshire and the British Revolutions
Jane Williams (Ysgafell)
The Jews of Wales
Inventor of Britain
Introducing the Medieval Fox
Isaiah Berlin
The Impact of Devolution in Wales
Introducing the Medieval Swan
Industrial Gothic
Indian Science Fiction
Introducing the Medieval Ass
Introducing the Medieval Dragon
The Irish Literary Tradition
Immigration and Integration
Horror and Comics
Man, Myth and Museum
Made by Labour
Middle Eastern Gothics
The Moral Standing of the State in International Politics
Monstrous Textualities
Medieval Welsh Medical Texts
Madness and Irrationality in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture
Medieval Women in their Communities
Masks in Horror Cinema
Middle English Devotional Compilations
Making Human Dignity Central to International Human Rights Law
Medieval Wales c.1050–1332
Minerva’s Gothics
Mary Shelley
The March of Wales
María Zambrano
Making Chaucer’s "Book of the Duchess"
Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury 1473-1541
Modern South Wales
Medieval Blood
Machiavelli Revisited
The Medieval Castles of Wales
The Last Invasion
House of Horrors
How Kant Matters for Biology
The Haunted States of America
History, Society and the Individual
Horror and Religion
How Water Makes Us Human
A History of Money
The History of Wales
History of the Gothic
History of the Gothic
History of Sport in Wales
History of Education in Wales, A
History and Legend
Hitchcock’s Magic
History of the Gothic: Twentieth-Century Gothic
Games of Terror
Gothic Metis
Global Politics of Welsh Patagonia
Gothic Invasions
Globalising Welsh Studies
Grammar and Poetry in Late Medieval and Early Modern Wales
The Anglican Episcopate 1689–1800
The Arthur of the Welsh
The Arthur of the Low Countries
Arthur in the Celtic Languages
The Algerian War in French/Algerian Writing
Anglo-Saxon Kingship and Political Power
The Arthurian Place Names of Wales
The Arthur of the Iberians
American Gothic Art and Architecture in the Age of Romantic Literature
The Arthur of the Italians
The Arthur of the French
Art in Wales, 2000BC-AD1850
Living Off-Grid in Wales
A Little Gay History of Wales
Let’s Do Our Best for the Ancient Tongue
Lithuania - Independent Again
Llyn Cerrig Bach
’Los Invisibles’
Kant and the Theory and Practice of International Right
Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century
Kant’s Political Legacy
Killing Carmens
Jesus of Nazareth in the Literature of Unamuno
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Gender in Modern Welsh History
Gothic Metaphysics
Gothic Utterance
Global TV Horror
Gothic Chapbooks, Bluebooks and Shilling Shockers, 1797–1830
Gendering the Crusades
Gothic Remains
Gothic Britain
The Gothic Condition
Geoffrey of Monmouth
The Gothic and Catholicism
Glorious Work in the World
German Political Parties
Gothic Music
Gothic Machine
Gothic Contemporaries
Fieldnotes from Celtic Palestine
Financial Gothic
For the Recorde
Frank Lloyd Wright
Fractal Families in New Millennium Narrative by Afro-Puerto Rican Women
Charlotte Dacre: "The Passions"
Cornish Gothic
Compatriots or Competitors?
Curating and the Legacies of Colonialism in Contemporary Iberia
Causes in Common
Chaucer and the Ethics of Time
Cushions, Kitchens and Christ
Contemporary French and Scandinavian Crime Fiction
Crimes Against Humanity
Chaucer and Italian Culture
Cognitive Sciences and Medieval Studies
A Century of Weird Fiction, 1832–1937
Charms, Charmers and Charming in Ireland
Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism
Chaucer’s Gifts
Cronica Walliae
Coastal Systems
The Cult of St Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins
Count Us In
Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights
Collected Poems of Emyr Humphreys
Capital Cardiff, 1975-2020
Cardiff and the Marquesses of Bute
Charles Brockden Brown
The Brontës as Gothic Writers
Free and Public
Fighting for Justice
Freedom Music
The First Prince of Wales?
Francis Fukuyama and the End of History
The Fascist Party in Wales?
French Crime Fiction
Freedom Fighters
The Films of Elías Querejeta
Early Modern Wales, c.1536–1689
Edward Lhwyd
Embodying Contagion
Evan James Williams
The Economy of Medieval Wales, 1067-1536
Energy, the Great Driver
Echoes to the Amen
Ernest Gellner and Modernity
The Elect Methodists
Doña Bárbara Unleashed
Darwinian Feminism and Early Science Fiction
The Darkening Nation
Discovering Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas’ Swansea, Gower and Laugharne
Double Agents
Deleuze and Guattari
Death of Captain Cook
Disasters and Heroes
Dorothy Edwards
Child Poverty in Wales
The British Industrial Canal
Broadcasting for Wales
Blumhouse Productions
Blood, Land and Power
Barry Island
Body Matters
Body Gothic
Bangor University 1884-2009
British Industrial Fictions
A Bibliography of Welsh Literature in English Translation
Ben Bowen
Bishop Burgess and His World
Brittany, 1750-1950
Bram Stoker
Rev. Charles Wesley (1707–88)
The Ethics of Remote Warfare
The Conservative Party in Wales, 1945–1997
The Catalan Crisis
The Modern Spanish Sonnet
Layamon’s Brut and the Anglo-Norman Vision of History
Wales, the Welsh and the Making of America
Elizabeth Gunning: The Foresters
Celtic Wales
A History of Christianity in Wales
The History of Wales in Twelve Poems
History of the Gothic
Postcolonial Spain
Latin America and Existentialism
Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason
Gentility in Early Modern Wales
The Blaxploitation Horror Film
New Queer Horror Film and Television
Gothic Literary Travel and Tourism
The Female Vampire in Hispanic Literature
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The Gothic at War
Wittgenstein in Swansea
Spain’s Eighteenth-Century Periodical Press
Percy Thomas
Dion Boucicault
Queer for Fear
This Is Not a Grail Romance
Nature and Medieval Literature
Introducing Medieval Animal Names
Griffith Evans 1835-1935
Fantastic Short Stories by Women Authors from Spain and Latin America
The New Queer Gothic
Animals, Animality and Controversy in Modern Welsh Writing and Culture
The Theology of Griffith Jones and Religious Thought in Eighteenth-Century Wales
"The Condition of Menevia"
Tocqueville Between East and West
New Perspectives on Gillian Clarke
Heirs to the Princes
Welsh Not
Rethinking The Ancient Druids
The Political Thought of Aneurin Bevan
Horror in Classical Literature
Gothic Melville
Daemons and Spirits in Ancient Egypt
Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works
The Lordship of Denbigh, 1282–1543
Against Borges
Putting Wales First
Earthy Matters
Dafydd Elis-Thomas
The Hebrew Physiologus
Gothic Precarity
Urban Culture in Medieval Wales
Folk Horror
The Trials of Edward Vaughan
International Human Rights in Post-Colonial Africa
Queer Others in Victorian Gothic
Zombies in Contemporary Culture
Waging War and Building Peace
Emlyn Hooson and the Welsh Liberal Party, 1962–1979
Joseph Harris
Imagination and Innovation in Medieval Celtic Literatures
Sidney Colwyn Foulkes
Australian Gothic
Who Speaks for Wales?
Making the Literary-Geographical World of Sherlock Holmes
Gender and the ’’Natural’ Environment in the Middle Ages
The Appearance of Evil
Anchorites, Wombs, and Tombs
After Raymond Williams
The Arthur of the Germans
The Arthur of the English
Acts of the Welsh Rulers, 1120-1283
The Arthur of the North
The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature
Paradise in Hell
Policing Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Plants Matter
Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic
Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics
Patronage and Power in the Medieval Welsh March
Painting and Devotion in Golden Age Iberia
Plants in Science Fiction
Paul Murphy
Posthuman Gothic
Petticoat Heroes
Political Power in Medieval Gwynedd
Postcolonialism Revisited
Person and Persona
Postcolonial Wales
A Pocket Guide: Dylan Thomas’s Swansea, Gower and Laugharne
Poverty, Ethics and Justice
The Society for the Reformation of Manners in Hull, 1698–1706
Stolen Limelight
Spain Is Different?
Stars and Ribbons
South Asian Gothic
Star Warriors of the Modern Raj
The Social Life of the Early Modern Protestant Clergy
Stephen King and American Politics
Speeches and Articles 2013 – 2017
The Spanish Anarchists of Northern Australia
Saving the Pyramids
Sex, Sects and Society
Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism
Shakespeare’s Settings and a Sense of Place
Sir Rhys ap Thomas and his Family
St. David’s and Dewisland
Shakespearean Gothic
Soccer and Society
Shadows of Mary
The Settlements of Northwest Wales
Secret Sins
Spying for Hitler
Stephen King’s Gothic
Scandinavian Crime Fiction
Slave Wales
This is My Truth
Theatre Censorship in Spain, 1931–1985
Taking Up Space
Theorising the Contemporary Zombie
Theatre and the Macabre
Theologia Cambrensis
The Centenary Edition Raymond Williams
Transnationalism and Genre Hybridity in New British Horror Cinema
Troy House
Trioedd Ynys Prydein
A Tolerant Nation?
The Truth Against the World
Towneley Cycle
Taking Stock
Tolkien and Wales
The Sound of Welsh Patagonia
The Space of Latin American Women Modernists
Swansea’s Royal Institution and Wales’s First Museum
Seeking Childhood
Spectral Spain
Politics and Metaphysics in Kant
Patrick McGrath
‘A World of New Ideas’, 1650–1820
The Other Catalans
On Art and Painting
Owain Glyndwr
New Blood
Norah Borges
New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History
New Theoretical Perspectives on Dylan Thomas
Néstor Perlongher
The Novels of José Saramago
Memory and Nation
Matthew Gregory Lewis
Young Adult Gothic Fiction
A Welcoming Nation?
Wales, the Mercantile Marine and the First World War
Women in Mexican Folk Art
The Welsh National School of Medicine
Watchdogs or Visionaries?
The Welsh Criminal Justice System
Witchcraft and Adolescence in American Popular Culture
Women’s Lives
Women, Memory and Dictatorship in Recent Chilean Fiction
Women’s Authorship and the Early Gothic
The Welsh Methodist Society
William Morgan
The Welsh and the Medieval World
Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic
Welsh Surnames
With Dust Still in His Throat
The Welsh Language
Wales and Its Boxers
The Welsh Church from Reformation to Disestablishment, 1603-1920
The Welsh Life of Saint David
Wales and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
Welsh Writing from the American Civil War
Welsh Gothic
Wales and the Crusades
The Welsh Gypsies
Welsh Traditional Music
The Women and Men of 1926
Vita Griffini Filii Conani
An Unfolding Vision
Uncanny Youth
Utopia and Reality
Understanding Celtic Religion
Transatlantic Vistas
Towards Modern Nationhood
The Reconciliation of Modernism
Ramsey Campbell
R. S. Thomas to Rowan Williams
Reform, Rebellion and Party in Mexico, 1836–1861
Romantic Medicine and the Gothic Imagination
Representing the Male
Revelation and the Apocalypse in Late Medieval Literature
Reason, Normativity and Law
Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs
Re-envisaging the First Age of Cinematic Horror, 1896-1934
R. S. Thomas
Roald Dahl
Revolution to Devolution
Republicanism and the American Gothic
A Rattleskull Genius
Revitalizing Democracy?
The Rural Poor in Eighteenth Century Wales
Rediscovering Margiad Evans
Robert Recorde
Reading Medieval Anchoritism
The Queer Uncanny
John Poyer, the Civil Wars in Pembrokeshire and the British Revolutions
Jane Williams (Ysgafell)
The Jews of Wales
Inventor of Britain
Introducing the Medieval Fox
Isaiah Berlin
The Impact of Devolution in Wales
Introducing the Medieval Swan
Industrial Gothic
Indian Science Fiction
Introducing the Medieval Ass
Introducing the Medieval Dragon
The Irish Literary Tradition
Immigration and Integration
Horror and Comics
Man, Myth and Museum
Made by Labour
Middle Eastern Gothics
The Moral Standing of the State in International Politics
Monstrous Textualities
Medieval Welsh Medical Texts
Madness and Irrationality in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture
Medieval Women in their Communities
Masks in Horror Cinema
Middle English Devotional Compilations
Making Human Dignity Central to International Human Rights Law
Medieval Wales c.1050–1332
Minerva’s Gothics
Mary Shelley
The March of Wales
María Zambrano
Making Chaucer’s "Book of the Duchess"
Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury 1473-1541
Modern South Wales
Medieval Blood
Machiavelli Revisited
The Medieval Castles of Wales
The Last Invasion
House of Horrors
How Kant Matters for Biology
The Haunted States of America
History, Society and the Individual
Horror and Religion
How Water Makes Us Human
A History of Money
The History of Wales
History of the Gothic
History of the Gothic
History of Sport in Wales
History of Education in Wales, A
History and Legend
Hitchcock’s Magic
History of the Gothic: Twentieth-Century Gothic
Games of Terror
Gothic Metis
Global Politics of Welsh Patagonia
Gothic Invasions
Globalising Welsh Studies
Grammar and Poetry in Late Medieval and Early Modern Wales
The Anglican Episcopate 1689–1800
The Arthur of the Welsh
The Arthur of the Low Countries
Arthur in the Celtic Languages
The Algerian War in French/Algerian Writing
Anglo-Saxon Kingship and Political Power
The Arthurian Place Names of Wales
The Arthur of the Iberians
American Gothic Art and Architecture in the Age of Romantic Literature
The Arthur of the Italians
The Arthur of the French
Art in Wales, 2000BC-AD1850
Living Off-Grid in Wales
A Little Gay History of Wales
Let’s Do Our Best for the Ancient Tongue
Lithuania - Independent Again
Llyn Cerrig Bach
’Los Invisibles’
Kant and the Theory and Practice of International Right
Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century
Kant’s Political Legacy
Killing Carmens
Jesus of Nazareth in the Literature of Unamuno
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Gender in Modern Welsh History
Gothic Metaphysics
Gothic Utterance
Global TV Horror
Gothic Chapbooks, Bluebooks and Shilling Shockers, 1797–1830
Gendering the Crusades
Gothic Remains
Gothic Britain
The Gothic Condition
Geoffrey of Monmouth
The Gothic and Catholicism
Glorious Work in the World
German Political Parties
Gothic Music
Gothic Machine
Gothic Contemporaries
Fieldnotes from Celtic Palestine
Financial Gothic
For the Recorde
Frank Lloyd Wright
Fractal Families in New Millennium Narrative by Afro-Puerto Rican Women
Charlotte Dacre: "The Passions"
Cornish Gothic
Compatriots or Competitors?
Curating and the Legacies of Colonialism in Contemporary Iberia
Causes in Common
Chaucer and the Ethics of Time
Cushions, Kitchens and Christ
Contemporary French and Scandinavian Crime Fiction
Crimes Against Humanity
Chaucer and Italian Culture
Cognitive Sciences and Medieval Studies
A Century of Weird Fiction, 1832–1937
Charms, Charmers and Charming in Ireland
Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism
Chaucer’s Gifts
Cronica Walliae
Coastal Systems
The Cult of St Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins
Count Us In
Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights
Collected Poems of Emyr Humphreys
Capital Cardiff, 1975-2020
Cardiff and the Marquesses of Bute
Charles Brockden Brown
The Brontës as Gothic Writers
Free and Public
Fighting for Justice
Freedom Music
The First Prince of Wales?
Francis Fukuyama and the End of History
The Fascist Party in Wales?
French Crime Fiction
Freedom Fighters
The Films of Elías Querejeta
Early Modern Wales, c.1536–1689
Edward Lhwyd
Embodying Contagion
Evan James Williams
The Economy of Medieval Wales, 1067-1536
Energy, the Great Driver
Echoes to the Amen
Ernest Gellner and Modernity
The Elect Methodists
Doña Bárbara Unleashed
Darwinian Feminism and Early Science Fiction
The Darkening Nation
Discovering Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas’ Swansea, Gower and Laugharne
Double Agents
Deleuze and Guattari
Death of Captain Cook
Disasters and Heroes
Dorothy Edwards
Child Poverty in Wales
The British Industrial Canal
Broadcasting for Wales
Blumhouse Productions
Blood, Land and Power
Barry Island
Body Matters
Body Gothic
Bangor University 1884-2009
British Industrial Fictions
A Bibliography of Welsh Literature in English Translation
Ben Bowen
Bishop Burgess and His World
Brittany, 1750-1950
Bram Stoker
Rev. Charles Wesley (1707–88)
The Ethics of Remote Warfare
The Conservative Party in Wales, 1945–1997
The Catalan Crisis
The Modern Spanish Sonnet
Layamon’s Brut and the Anglo-Norman Vision of History
Wales, the Welsh and the Making of America
Elizabeth Gunning: The Foresters
Celtic Wales
A History of Christianity in Wales
The History of Wales in Twelve Poems
History of the Gothic
Postcolonial Spain
Latin America and Existentialism
Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason
Gentility in Early Modern Wales
The Blaxploitation Horror Film
New Queer Horror Film and Television
Gothic Literary Travel and Tourism
The Female Vampire in Hispanic Literature
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The Gothic at War
Wittgenstein in Swansea
Spain’s Eighteenth-Century Periodical Press
Percy Thomas
Dion Boucicault
Queer for Fear
This Is Not a Grail Romance
Nature and Medieval Literature
Introducing Medieval Animal Names
Griffith Evans 1835-1935
Fantastic Short Stories by Women Authors from Spain and Latin America
The New Queer Gothic
Animals, Animality and Controversy in Modern Welsh Writing and Culture
The Theology of Griffith Jones and Religious Thought in Eighteenth-Century Wales
"The Condition of Menevia"
Tocqueville Between East and West
New Perspectives on Gillian Clarke
Heirs to the Princes
Welsh Not
Rethinking The Ancient Druids
The Political Thought of Aneurin Bevan
Horror in Classical Literature
Gothic Melville
Daemons and Spirits in Ancient Egypt
Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works
The Lordship of Denbigh, 1282–1543
Against Borges
Putting Wales First
Earthy Matters
Dafydd Elis-Thomas
The Hebrew Physiologus
Gothic Precarity
Urban Culture in Medieval Wales
Folk Horror
The Trials of Edward Vaughan
International Human Rights in Post-Colonial Africa
Queer Others in Victorian Gothic
Zombies in Contemporary Culture
Waging War and Building Peace
Emlyn Hooson and the Welsh Liberal Party, 1962–1979
Joseph Harris
Imagination and Innovation in Medieval Celtic Literatures
Sidney Colwyn Foulkes
Titles By Publisher
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