Introduction: Why Andes-Amazonia? Why Cross-Disciplinary? — Adrian J. Pearce, David Beresford-Jones, and Paul HeggartySection 1: Crossing Frontiers: Perspectives from the Various Disciplines 1.1 Archaeology — David Beresford-Jones and Eduardo Machicado Murillo 1.2 Linguistics — Paul Heggarty 1.3 Genetics — Lars Fehren-Schmitz 1.4 Anthropology — Alf Hornborg 1.5 The Andes-Amazonia Culture Area — Tom ZuidemaSection 2: Deep Time and the Long Chronological Perspective 2.1 Initial East and West Connections across South America — Tom Dillehay 2.2 The Andes-Amazonia Divide and Human Morphological Diversification in South America — André Strauss 2.3 Deep Time and First Settlement: What, If Anything, Can Linguistics Tell Us? — Paul Heggarty 2.4 Early Social Complexity in Northern Peru and its Amazonian Connections — Peter Kaulicke 2.5 Changing Andes-Amazonia Dynamics: El Chuncho Meets El Inca at the End of the Marañón Corridor — Alexander Herrera WassilowskySection 3: Overall Patterns – and Alternative Models 3.1 How Real is the Andes-Amazonia Divide? An Archaeological View from the Eastern Piedmont — Darryl Wilkinson 3.2 Genetic Diversity Patterns in the Andes and Amazonia — Fabrício Santos 3.3 Genetic Exchanges in the Highland /Lowland Transitional Environments of South America — Chiara Barbieri 3.4 Broad-Scale Patterns Across the Languages of the Andes and Amazonia — Paul Heggarty 3.5 Highland-Lowland Relations: A Linguistic View — Rik van Gijn and Pieter Muysken 3.6 Rethinking the Role of Agriculture and Language Expansion for Ancient Amazonians — Eduardo Góes Neves 3.7 The Pacific Coast and Andean Highlands /Amazonia — Tom Dillehay, Brian McCray, and Patricia J. NetherlySection 4: Regional Case Studies from the Altiplano and Southern Upper Amazonia 4.1 Linguistic Connections between the Altiplano Region and the Amazonian Lowlands — Willem Adelaar 4.2 Hypothesised Language Relationships across the Andes-Amazonia Divide: The Cases of Uro, Pano-Takana and Mosetén — Roberto Zariquiey 4.3 The Andes as Seen From Mojos — Heiko Prümers 4.4 The Archaeological Significance of Shell Middens in the Llanos de Moxos: Between the Andes and Amazonia — Umberto Lombardo and José M. CaprilesSection 5: Age of Empires: Inca and Spanish Colonial Perspectives 5.1 The Amazonian Indians as Viewed by Three Andean Chroniclers — Vera Tyuleneva 5.2 The Place of Antisuyu in the Discourse of Guamán Poma de Ayala — Cristiana Bertazoni 5.3 Colonial Coda: The Andes-Amazonia Frontier under Spanish Rule — Adrian J. Pearce 5.4 A Case Study in Andes-Amazonia Relations under Colonial Rule: The Juan Santos Atahualpa Rebellion (1742-1752) — Adrian J. PearceConclusion: The Andes-Amazonia Divide: Myth and Reality — Adrian J. Pearce, David Beresford-Jones, and Paul Heggarty Bibliography Index