Addressing topics ranging from production and distribution to iconography and museum collections, Vessels and Variety sheds new light on perspectives in the fields of ancient pottery studies. The contributors cover a wide span of time from the Geometric period to the Roman period, exploring both new materials from recent excavations in the Mediterranean—from southern Italy to the Black Sea—as well as new methodological approaches. With richly illustrated articles, this volume provides an important contribution to the ongoing debates on the role of pottery in ancient societies.
320 pages | 72 color plates, 38 halftones, 5 tables | 6 3/4 x 9 5/8 | © 2013

Table of Contents
For Annette Rathje on Her 70th Birthday
I. Production and Distribution
Consumption and Production of Greek Pottery in the Sibaritide during the 8th Century BC
Jan Kindberg Jacobsen
A Reinterpretation of the Early Protocorinthian Globular Aryballos
Hanne Thomasen
Uncommon Tastes: The Consumption of Campana A Pottery in the Southern Levant and the Black Sea Region
Søren Handberg, Pere J. Stone, and Jane Hjarl Petersen
II. Iconography
The Mystery of the Seated Goddess: Archaic Terracotta Figurines in the Northeastern Peloponnese
Signe Barfoed
The Ambiguous Sex or Embodied Divinity: A Note on an Unusual Vessel in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Annette Rathje
The Myth of Iphigenia in the Literary and Pictorial Tradition of Greece and Magna Graecia
Helle Salskov Roberts
“Head Hunting” in Cyprus
Lone Wriedt Sørensen
III. Regional Studies
A Figure-Decorated Plate form the Sanctuary on the Timpone della Motta
Sine Grove Saxkjær
Materiali greci e coloniali della prima fase dell’antica Kroton dallo scavo 2009 nel quartiere settentrionale. Osservazioni preliminari
Domenico Marion, Margherita Corrado, Francesco Cristiano, and Gloria Mittica
IV. Museum Collections
Bertel Thorvaldsen’s Collection of “So-called Arretine Vessels” Reconsidered
Kristine Bøggild Johannsen
Al Mina Pottery in the National Museum of Denmark
Stine Schierup
Book Reviews
Review of Søren Handberg and Jan Jacobsen (eds.): Excavations on the Timpone della Motta, Francavilla Marittima (1992–2004) vol. I. The Greek Pottery
Helle Winge Hornæs
Review of Helle Winge Hornæs: Crossing Boundaries—An analysis of Roman coins in Danish contexts, vol. I: Finds from Sealand, Funen and Jutland. Publications of the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology and history Vol. 18
Line Bjerg
Review of Marcella Pisani: Camarina. Le terrecotte figurate e la ceramica da una fornace di V e VI secolo a.C.
Tobias Fischer-Hansen
Tabula Gratulatoria
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